
Meine Quality Time mit Mama

Meine Quality Time mit Mama 2048 1148 Galia Brener

Meine Mama hatte mich in Frankfurt besucht und wir haben es uns an einem schönen Tag gut gehen lassen. Im Video zeige ich euch einen kleinen Ausschnitt von unserem Spaziergang durch den Schlosshotel Kronberg. Ich gehe sehr gerne dort hin, weil ich die Ruhe und die schöne Natur dort intensiv genießen kann. Beim Besuch meiner Mama wollte ich ihr auch meine neuste Entdeckung, den Pfanner Pure Tea, vorstellen. Schaut selbst, ob Mami der neue 0% Tee von Pfanner genauso gut schmeckt wie mir.

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Wie man an heißen Sommertagen cool bleibt

Wie man an heißen Sommertagen cool bleibt 1365 2048 Galia Brener

1. Lass die Sonne draußen!

Auch wenn du dich darüber freust, die Sonne endlich wiederzusehen, solltest du verhindern, dass sie direkt in dein Zimmer scheint und den Raum aufheizt. Halte deine Jalousien oder Vorhänge über den Tag geschlossen um das Aufheizen zu verhindern.

Zwischen 10 und 17 Uhr solltest du Sonnenstrahlen vermeiden, verwende zusätzlich Sonnencreme, um dich vor den Strahlen zu schützen. Diese können nämlich für dich und deine Haut sehr gefährlich werden. Ganz nebenbei: Gebräunte Haut ist nicht wichtiger als deine Gesundheit!


2. Essen

Vermeide es, besonders große Portionen zu essen, da dein Körper sich während dem Verdauungsvorgang aufwärmt.

Ich lebe nach der Regel „Das letzte Essen kommt immer vor 18 Uhr“. Dadurch ermögliche ich es meinem Körper, alles Gegessene vor dem Schlafen gehen zu verdauen. Das bewirkt neben einem angenehmeren Schlaf auch die bessere Kontrolle des Körpergewichtes.

Für alle, die es scharf mögen: Scharfes Essen hat an heißen Tagen einen entscheidenden Vorteil. Zunächst gleicht sich die gestiegene Körpertemperatur der Umgebungstemperatur an und der Blutdruck steigt, was zu verstärktem Schwitzen führt. Aufgrund des Schweißes kühlt der Körper dann schneller ab und ihr kommt auch bei heißen Temperaturen gut durch den Tag.


3. Bleib cool

Wasche deine Handgelenke und Füße vor dem Schlafen mit kaltem Wasser. Alternativ kann auch ein Eisbad für die Füße sehr entspannend sein. Die Füße und ganz besonders die Sohlen sind sehr empfindlich, weshalb der Temperaturwechsel sich schnell bemerkbar machen wird.

Benutze Kühlpacks oder Eiswickeln am Nacken, den Gelenken, den Ellenbogen oder unter dem Knie, um deinen Körper abzukühlen.


4. Sport

Wenn du regelmäßig Sport machst, solltest du deine Trainingszeit auf den frühen Morgen oder den späten Abend verlegen, vermeide Sport am Mittag. Sollte dein Trainingsraum oder Fitnessstudio eine Klimaanlage haben ist eine Trainingseinheit mittags auch möglich.

Sport mit direkter Sonneneinstrahlung ist keine gute Idee, im schlimmsten Fall bekommst du dadurch einen Hitzeschock, der für dich und deine Gesundheit sehr gefährlich werden kann.


5. Achte auf die richtige Kleidung

An warmen Tagen solltest du lockere Kleidung aus Baumwolle oder Leinen tragen, idealerweise in hellen Farben. Die helle Farbe reflektiert das Licht effektiver als dunkle, während die lockere Kleidung aus natürlichem Material bessere Luftzirkulation ermöglicht und so den Körper besser kühlt.


6. Ventilatoren

Stelle etwas Eis direkt vor den Ventilator! Das Eis kühlt die Umgebungsluft und der Ventilator verbreitet die kalte Luft im gesamten Raum. Für unterwegs kannst du dir einen kleinen Ventilator besorgen, den du mit deinem Smartphone steuern kannst.

Schirm-Ventilatoren sind nicht nur praktisch an warmen Tagen, einige Modelle laden sich durch Solar-Panel sogar selbst wieder auf. Sogenannte „Bedfans“ helfen dir dabei den Raum während der Nacht zu kühlen.


7. Abkühlen und Einfrieren

Kühle deinen Bett- und Kissenbezug vor dem ein paar Stunden vor dem Schlafen gehen. Außerdem kannst du Cremes und Lotionen im Kühlschrank lagern, um dich beim Eincremen zu pflegen und Abzukühlen.

Atme mit deinem Mund in einen mit Eis gefüllten Becher. Kalte Luft einatmen wirkt Wunder!

Fülle eine Wärmflasche mit kaltem Wasser und friere sie ein. Wenn du dann schlafen gehst, kannst du die Flasche mit ins Bett nehmen und an die Gelenke oder Knie legen, um deinen Körper zu kühlen.


8. Trinken – Der wichtigste Punkt!

Wenn du viel schwitzt, verlierst dein Körper viel Wasser, was zu einem Erschöpfung oder einem Hitzeschlag führen kann – also trink viel!

Ich empfehle mindestens 8 Gläser Wasser, Tee und Co. zu trinken: Das hilft, die Körpertemperatur zu regulieren. Vermeide Alkohol, an heißen Tagen ist dieser nicht besonders hilfreich. Habe immer etwas Wasser bereit, falls du Durst bekommst!


Gali’s Drink Tipp:

Ich teste seit ungefähr drei Wochen den Pure Tea von Pfanner und bin sehr überzeugt. Ihr wisst, ich bin sehr pingelig was meine Getränke angeht, von daher war ich sehr überrascht und begeistert als ich sah, dass der Tee 0 Kalorien, 0 Gramm Zucker und keine Form von Süßstoff beinhaltet.

Immer nur Wasser trinken ist mir einfach zu langweilig, deshalb ist der Pure Tea die ideale Alternative für mich.

Der Pure Tea ist die Erfrischungslösung für heiße Tage, auf die ich und sicherlich auch viele von euch gewartet haben. Es gibt ihn in einer schicken, kurvigen Flasche, was das Halten und Tragen vereinfacht. Er schmeckt sehr angenehm und ist gut zu trinken.

Probiert es selbst!

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(English version below photos)




Staying “Oh-So-Cool” on Hot Summer Days



• Even though the sun is beautiful, it must be shut out of the room in order to stay cool. Keep your shutters, blinds and curtains closed during the day. This will prevent your room from overheating.

• It’s very important to avoid direct sun exposure from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m and always leave the house with 50 SFP sunblock. The sunrays are very harmful and your skin must always be protected. Being tanned is out.



• Eat small meals regularly, because your body warms up while it works harder to digest large meals.

• I always follow my “Last Meal Before 6 p.m.” rule. This allows my body to fully digest everything that I have eaten throughout the day, leaving my stomach relaxed and happy when I sleep. This also helps to keep my weight in balance.

• For those who like it hot: eating spicy foods makes you sweat by increasing your body’s temperature, matching it with the one outside. This also increases the blood circulation and due to the sweating, you will cool down within an hour or two.



• Wash your wrists and feet with cold water before going to bed. An ice bath for your feet is also very effective. The soles of your feet are highly sensitive, therefore the temperature change will cool you off immediately!

• Apply cold compresses and ice packs and to pulse points at the neck, wrists, elbows, ankles and behind the knees.



• Do your sports only early in the morning or later in the evening, but never in between – unless it’s in an air-conditioned gym.

• Don’t ever work out directly in the sun, it can lead to heat stroke – which is lethal and can cause death or damage to the brain and other internal organs.



• Wear only cotton, loose clothing and light colors on hot days. There is a reason why linen clothing is so beloved in warm countries – it’s not just about staying trendy.

• Light colors reflect the heat away from the body, while natural materials and loose clothing help to increase air circulation around your skin and release heat and sweat that’s trapped under the clothing.


6. FAN

• For the ultra cooling effect, put ice directly in front of your fan. The ice will cool the surrounding air and the fan will blow it directly towards you.

• Get a small fan that is operated through your mobile phone. I got one for my iPhone, which connects to the charger port.

• Umbrella fans are great for hot days, and also come with a solar panel to charge itself on the go.

• Get the Bedfan, which really helps to stay cool while sleeping.


7. Freeze

• Freeze your sheets and pillowcases for a couple of hours before bedtime.

• Store your body lotion, moisturizer and Aloe Vera in the fridge, making it very refreshing as you apply it on.

• Hold a cup full of ice over your mouth and breathe into it.

• Fill a hot water bottle with ice water and freeze it. This works very well, especially at night, because you can sleep with this bottle in bed. Place it around your thighs, wrists, ankles and the back of your knees.



• Sweating can cause dehydration, which can lead to heat stroke and exhaustion – therefore drink, drink, drink!

• I recommend at least 8 glasses of fluids per day, which also helps to regulate your body temperature. Try to stay away from alcohol on hot days.

• Don’t forget to keep a full glass beside your bed if you get thirsty at night.


Gali’s Drink Tip:

• I have been testing the Pure Tea from Pfanner for 3 weeks now and am very convinced. You know that I am a snob when it comes to what I drink, therefore what really impressed me is that the tea has 0 calories, 0 sugar and absolutely no sweetener.

• I am super bored with always drinking water when I do my yoga, therefore the Pure Tea is finally a very welcomed alternative for me.

• The Pure Tea is a refreshing solution on hot days and comes in a chic curve-shaped bottle, which makes it easy to hold and carry around with you on the go. It tastes very light and goes down easy.


Try it out for yourself:


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My entire daily beauty ritual with SkinCeuticals

My entire daily beauty ritual with SkinCeuticals 1280 865 Galia Brener

Good morning my Dears,

After many lovely requests and questions, I decided to write a complete and in-depth article explaining my daily beauty ritual. I always say that it’s very important to take care of your skin. You want to look good? So put in the time and effort! I’m astonished at how many people don’t wash their face in the evening. I’ve heard all the excuses from: “I’m too tied” or “But I didn’t wear any makeup that day, there is nothing to wash off” Or simply, “I don’t feel like it.” Terrible. Yes it’s true, I’m not making this up. If you belong to this group of people, then don’t feel bad about it, because you can start a healthy skin routine anytime – starting even today! I will let you in on my daily secrets and what I do to look the way I do. And no unfortunately I don’t have a magical fountain of youth in my toilet.


Re rewind selecta, back to a year ago

About a year ago, I went to a fancy opening event at a plastic surgeon’s new clinic. There were many beautiful people there and I was very fascinated by what they do to look this amazing! Yes, some honestly admitted that they had work done, while others told me that they started using a new brand for preventative measures. What was this mysterious new brand?

A very nice lady shared her secret with me. The brand was called SkinCeuticals. I was fascinated. I needed to hear more! I quickly grabbed the doctor and asked him about it. He showed me the products and gave me a small introduction package to take home and try. He told me that he uses SkinCeuticals on his clients after their beauty surgeries and also on clients that need preventive products, so that they won’t need surgery at all later.

I was shocked that I did not know about this brand before! Why was it hiding from me? I took my starter kit home – hungry to try it like Gargamel would want to eat a Smurf – opened it like a little kid on Christmas, sitting on the carpet with sparkles in my eyes.

I suffer from acne since I was a teenager. Having people call me “Salami Pizza Face” in high school didn’t help either. So far most of the products that I tried always made me break out in the nastiest way. Come on, pimples in my 30s?! Why dear Lord, why? Therefore I’m always careful what goo I slather on my face. My Russian Canadian roots never deceive me, making skepticism my best friend with devil horns. I rarely believe anything straight from the very beginning. I have to see and experience it for myself with my own eyes. I opened the first bottle, smeared a small amount on my face and went to sleep, hoping that a second nose didn’t grow there by the next morning! When I woke up, the surprising results were already visible. Clear, clean and glowing skin.


Fast forward to the future: 2017

Today, not even a day goes by that I don’t use SkinCeuticals in my beauty routine. I found my perfect set of products for day and night use. A few weeks ago, I have added the magic purple H.A. Intensifier serum to the family. This my dears, is the secret to my glowing skin:


Morning – but only after my first cup of coffee!



This serum is the first SkinCeuticals product that I ever tried. I fell in love with it right away and have been using it ever since. This is a daytime vitamin C serum that protects and improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, loss of firmness and brightens your skin’s complexion. Since I’m actually a vampire and love the pale Goth look, this brightening product is perfect for me. It neutralizes free radicals on the upper layer of the skin to help prevent the impact of ozone damage. My skin simply eats up the Vitamin C and needs it, just like I need pizza once a week.


I wont leave the house without sunscreen on my face. Basta. Even in the winter! The sun is very damaging to our face and we all want to avoid those nasty hyperpigmentation spots. (If you do suffer from sunspots, try the Advanced Pigment Corrector, because it gets rid of them). The only way out is using sunscreen lotion daily with UV 30+. I really like this product because it maintains a matte finish even in hot and humid conditions. I’m a sweat monster and need my face to stay dry and fresh, especially in the summer. This sunscreen is super cool and innovative because it’s a weightless mousse that dries to a powder finish, optimizing make-up application.



This is by far the best cream ever invented for lips. I have tried over 50 different products for my sad chapped lips and nothing helped, until this baby came along. Not only does it heal dry damaged lips, but it also helps to fight against those mean-looking wrinkles above and around the lips. I noticed that the fine lines became almost non-existent with the help of this lip repair. It’s strong and what I like a lot about it is the tingly sensation I get when I rub it on my lips. I feel right away that it’s working its magic on my lips, making them look and feel luscious, full and sexy. This lip miracle helps attract and retain water to rejuvenate, reshape and replenish lip tissue and is also ideal to use after laser and filler work. However I find that after using this product for many months, one does not need any fillers at all.



I have been using this eye cream for over a year and will not use anything else. The little ugly crow’s feet under my eyes are disappearing into themselves: see ya, wouldn’t wanna be ya! Ciao and goodbye. Nobody needs these terrible annoying reminders that we are getting older. The Eye Balm is a rich, hydrating cream that helps to reduce puffiness and improves visible signs of aging around the eye area. It also restores essential lipids to help nourish dry and delicate skin. I have very thin and extremely dry skin around my eyes, therefore this product is perfect for me for anytime of the day.


Evening – after the last Bloody Mary



This is the first thing I use when I come home to get rid of all the garbage off my face. I like the Simply Clean facial cleanser because I have combination skin. This is made of five hydroxy acids, which gently exfoliate dead skin cells and smooth out rough skin patches. This product also has botanical extracts of chamomile and aloe to help soothe and heal skin – perfect to calm down my excited nerdy pimples!



My new and loving baby addition to my SkinCeuticals family! The most astonishing thing about this serum is that it amplifies the skin’s hyaluronic acid levels by 30% just within 12 weeks! This unique product contains a high concentration of pure hyaluronic acid, proxylane™, and botanical extracts of licorice root and purple rice to support the skin’s hyaluronic acid levels. As we get older, our skin cannot hold onto the moisture so well, therefore it needs this type of acid for the anti-aging effects to stay supple, hydrated, plump and wrinkle-free. For those who know me, I am a very tough critic and usually not many skin products survive my judging eye. I was very surprised that my snobby and arrogant skin loved this product and didn’t breakout in a thousand hideous pimples. If you are a fan of dermal fillers, then this hyaluronic acid serum also works very well as part of a home skincare regimen after you get the fillers done.

* Read my last week’s article about this amazing serum! Click here



This is a powerful daily emulsion with vitamin B3 that is used to improve the appearance of early signs of aging. Being in my scary thirties, I need this product to fight against those evil lines that force themselves to live on my face without even paying rent! What this does is promotes the skin renewal by increasing cell turnover, meaning quicker and more healthy cells, which leads to younger looking skin. The Metacell strengthens skin’s moisture barrier and reduces the appearance of discoloration and blotchiness – evening out my color and complexion. It’s perfect even for pimple-geeks like me, because it’s a very lightweight product.


My conclusion – probably the same thing Grandma always said

There is absolutely no place for laziness when it comes to healthy skin. You have to imagine all the dust particles, bacteria, pollution and free radicals that land on your face during the day. Even if you’re at home sitting on the couch all day, stuff gets into your pores and manifests itself there, not allowing the skin to breathe properly at night. That’s also how pimples form. Washing the face is the first basic must. It releases all that garbage and lets your skin breathe and heal properly. Happy pores, happy face.

If my routine sounds like Wonder Woman’s daily ritual, and intimidates you, then start off with something basic. I would suggest trying the Eye Balm against wrinkles and any SkinCeuticals serum of your choice that fits your skin type. This covers the face, neck and eyes. Try these two products and see how you feel. If you like it and feel daring, add the sunscreen to protect your face from the sun. Start to experiment slowly until you find your perfect ritual. The cool thing about SkinCeuticals is that they have a huge variety of products for all the various skin types. There is literally something for everyone to choose from.

Don’t forget, your face won’t take care of itself, even if you are sexy Mrs. Robot, you have to put in the time. Just like your teeth won’t clean themselves, you also brush them twice a day. Love you face and it will glow gratefully back at you after many healthy years to come! ♥

Questions, comments? Don’t hesitate to write me and I will gladly answer all questions.

Have fun experimenting with SkinCeuticals my beauties!

Many Hugs

Your Gali

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Ciao 2016, please leave us already! Welcome to the new beautiful 2017!

Ciao 2016, please leave us already! Welcome to the new beautiful 2017! 1280 1687 Galia Brener

You’ve had your Christmas fun, and now for the few days before the New Year starts, it’s time to get down to business. What is such an urgent task that cannot wait until next year, you ask? The task is the one and only “Me-Inventory”. It sounds quite simple, but actually it can get deep and dirty, with truths exposed and shocking things revealed. But since we are tough guys and gals, and I’m sure that you can handle it, I will share my secret with you. At the end of each year, I make a thorough inventory of my life for that year – from top to bottom, not overlooking any gruesome details. At the end, I see what I have achieved, learned, and what I can do much better next year. This helps me grow as a woman, as a person, and also helps to increase success. However, you must be completely honest with yourself, or else this won’t work for you. So my lovelies, let’s start!

1. Achievements: Let’s start with the nice stuff! This was a damn long year, for some a horrible one, and for others a positive one. But for many, 2016 was a year for the fighting spirit – the Samurai among us. Think back to all of the great things you achieved this year. This includes a new career, having a loving relationship, building your first house, having a child, getting married, overcoming addictions, or whatever wonderful thing you achieved this year, take some time to honor it. Anyone who achieved anything important in 2016 deserves to celebrate, because this bitch of a year was a difficult astrological one, and hence you deserve double recognition for it. You must praise yourself for your success, and feel proud of what you did. I made it a ritual to buy myself a present at the end of the year to celebrate my achievements. Spoiling yourself once in a while is very important, because it helps to remind you of accomplishments and appreciate your own worth.

2. Screw-ups: let’s be honest, we are no angels. I can think back and list a few mistakes I made this year, and so can you. This is where it gets hard because we don’t usually like to admit our mistakes, especially to ourselves! But since you’re brave, and a new year is starting, push yourself to do it. Think back. Have you hurt someone? Played, cheated, stole, backstabbed, told lies, broke hearts and promises, acted disrespectfully or cruelly? Maybe it is yourself that you hurt with something like a bad habit, or allowing others to treat you badly? Maybe you let something slip away that you regret? Send your ego to hell for a moment, and really open yourself up and remember the mistakes you made. Try to acknowledge the wrongs that you did, and see if there is a chance to set things right again. If you are brave enough, you can even contact the person and ask them for forgiveness – it is your Karma after all. If you have already set things right again, then it is time to forgive yourself, forgive the other person, forgive the situation, and move on.

3. Lessons: 2016 was the year with the most life lessons for me so far. Some of them hit me hard and were not so easy to learn, while the others I embraced quite quickly and open-heartedly. Look back and figure out what were your most important lessons of this year. Life threw you these bones, hoping that you will learn and improve on your mistakes. If these lessons are not learned, they will only enter your life again and again, and torture you until you will finally get it. To be honest, I did not learn a lesson in 2012, and the very same thing happened to me at the very same time in 2013! It was so creepy! You have to realize what life is trying to show you, and make improvements on these things, so that you can grow and move on. Think back, what could you have done better? Take these lessons and use them for your good in 2017, and do things better this time around! And please, do not be angry at your fate – this happened for you to become a better and stronger person.

4. Cleaner: Don’t worry, no killing mafia skills necessary. Look back at the year, and make an inventory of the people in your life. Be honest to yourself: Is there anyone who has to be cleaned out of your life? Do you have so-called “friends” that are dishonest, ruin your relationships, don’t care about you, or even worse, jealous of you? What about a partner that does not respect, appreciate, and truly love you, or maybe doesn’t want to make a commitment to you? They don’t deserve you, and be assured that Lady Karma will take care of them. Let it go, and get rid of them! Sometimes people come into your life for a reason, and once their mission is fulfilled, it is better to send them along their way before they cause more damage in your life. Try to get rid of all toxic people that do you no good before this year ends. Surround yourself only with goodness – and with people that will respect, love, appreciate, honor, and truly love and care for you – and you for them. 

The last days before the year ends are some of the most crucial ones. This special time provides us with a moment to become quieter and look deep within ourselves. It’s a chance to reminisce about the funny, lovely and good things that happened, and allows us to learn from our mistakes. It’s an opportunity to make things right again. It’s a chance to say goodbye to the old, and make space for the wonderful new and exciting things to come. If you feel brave enough, try to do the Me-Inventory. It helps me each year, and offers great reassurance. Besides, the best thing about completing the Me-Inventory is the fact that you have another chance right around the corner: New Year, new start!

I wish you a great 2017 dear friends! A good year full of health, love, prosperity, joy and fun! May all your dreams and wishes comes true in 2017. This is your year!

Many hugs,

Your Gali

Eat what you want and be happy!

Eat what you want and be happy! 1200 400 Galia Brener

In order to start this column in the most authentic way possible, I have ordered a family-sized pizza, with a soft drink and ice cream for dessert. Often I find myself thinking, how long do we actually have to live a lovely, fun, happy and satisfying life? 85 years if we are lucky. We start thinking about our body image at the age of 15 until approximately 70. That leaves us with 55 years of worrying about being skinny, having the perfect shape, no cellulite, toned muscles, fitting into smaller and smaller sizes, and having those bloody skinny jeans laying around that we so desperately want to fit into, but mysteriously never “comfortably” can! We force ourselves to eat a salad everyday – over and over again. Daily salad consumption, for 55 years makes it…. 20,075 damn salads! Congratulations boys and girls, we are officially worse than rabbits. I think it’s time to start eating what we want and feeling happy about it!


Hungry = Angry. When hungry, your serotonin levels are low, and hence you feel angry, and sometimes even depressed. My mom knows not to talk to me until I have eaten a proper meal; otherwise I become a walking monster. I get irritated and short-tempered. Even worse than that, my stomach and head start to hurt. Believe it or not, the “evil carbohydrates” help to rebuild serotonin quicker in your brain, which is responsible for making you feel happy. So do not run away from carbs, because if eaten in the right dosage, they are your friends!


We live in a time where being skinny has become the definition of beauty. Maybe I really am from another planet and do not understand the Earthly ways, but aren’t our curves and softness what makes us women feminine and beautiful? Yes? Then why is everyone going crazy to become a size 0? Somehow between the 1950’s and today, something got terribly lost in translation. This makes me angry! Who the hell started this mass confusion and is responsible for this ridiculous chaos? Every (good) single man that I have spoken to lately says that he would love to meet a woman with nice curves. Can it be that us women are making our own life so complicated? Then again, I remember my 2nd ex blaming me for becoming fat after a visit to Japan (Without him…) I gained 4 kg, and he made it sound like I became a blimp. Thank God I got rid of that freak. I was in a new country and he thought that I wouldn’t try all of the delicious exotic foods? I would give him up again and again for a fresh piece of Kobe beef!


My friend Anatoly was dating a beautiful voluptuous Brazilian woman. They shared a huge passion for food. They cooked together and tried out new restaurants. Anatoly adored her curves. She was the perfect vision of femininity for him. When they got married, his wife started spending more time with the snobby neighborhood women. They assured her that all the husbands have younger, skinnier and beautiful mistresses at work. They were crazy paranoid witches that influenced her very negatively. She lost a lot of weight, and did not eat much with Anatoly anymore. Their shared passion has disappeared. She was constantly hungry, moody and angry. The love was suffering. She lost her beautiful feminine curves and her bones hurt him while trying to make love. She became a ghost of what she once was and eventually this led to divorce. He loved her desperately, and tried to show her the light, but she was lost in her own superficial world.


Guilt = Fat. I will share with you something important that I have learned from my past. If I would eat something really fatty, or in large amounts, I would constantly worry about it. I knew that the calories and fat were quite high and felt that it will cause my body damage. I gained much weight in only just a week! I felt guilt all the time. It was a psychological jail, with the torture included! A few weeks later I lost those kilos and decided to make an experiment. I ate exactly the same food and amounts, but felt no guilt or remorse afterwards. I felt good about what I ate because I knew that for this moment of my life, I needed this food. The carbs made me happy! I felt relaxed because I could eat what I wanted without feeling bad. Well guess what? Same food, same amount and my weight did not change. Sounds unreal, but it’s true. It’s all a psychological mind game. Guilt attracts negativity into your life and body. Guilt will make you gain weight rapidly! Stop the guilt!


Soul food = Happy person. The evil burger is calling your name. You tell it to shut up, but it doesn’t work because you fantasize about its juices in your mouth. Go ahead and eat the damn burger. Of course I am not suggesting you to exaggerate every day, and get a heart attack, but a bit more pleasure with your meals will make you happier. My theory is to enjoy and eat what you want, but not to overdo it. Have your healthy stuff in between, but leave space for the treats and goodies that your heart and soul desire. Love yourself and feed yourself. Do not starve, because your body will not forgive you. And remember… life is too bloody short to live on salads!





How I got in good shape

How I got in good shape 1354 437 Galia Brener
This one is for the ladies and gentlemen who have asked me how I managed to drop 10 kg and succeeded at looking better, healthier and fitter. This article marks the 2-year Anniversary of writing my column, so I will open up to you today, and tell you how I personally managed my big transformation this year.

It all started on January 1st 2014, when I didn’t fit into my favorite jeans anymore. It was the day after New Year’s Eve, and I looked around the flat, disgusted by the fast food boxes from the nights before. I wasn’t happy with my body, excess fat and cellulite anymore. It always annoyed me to hear people talking about doing sports, getting fit and working out. Even worse were the people talking about eating healthy food, salads, less carbs, blah blah blah. I thought, “How pathetic, what kind of life is that?” I only had pizza and burgers on my mind. I liked to show off that I could eat whatever and whenever I want to. One day, my best friend showed me a bikini photo of us from the previous summer in Ibiza. I was shocked. My stomach was hanging over the bikini bottoms and the cellulite was all over my thighs. My upper arms were flabby and my bum was much more than what I bargained for. I know that happiness comes from the inside, and we should love ourselves no matter what we look like, but I wasn’t happy with what I saw in the mirror. I wanted to be fit and toned!

The very first thing I changed was not to eat after 6pm. I don’t mean no carbs after 6pm, but rather nothing at all! Of course I drink water and tea, but no food at all after this hour. I go to sleep around midnight, so that leaves me with 6 hours to digest the food I ate in the early evening. What I noticed right away was how amazingly flat my stomach was when waking up in he morning! I feel light, and sleep better – since the body is not working on digesting the food that I would usually eat at 9pm or later. I do have to warn you though: it was a living hell at the beginning. The first two weeks were horrendous torture. I would walk around my flat hungry and angry like a monster. What worked was to go to sleep earlier in order to avoid this feeling. After a few weeks, my stomach and body got used to not eating after 6pm, and it was completely normal for me. The nice thing is that I don’t have the energy ups and downs anymore, but rather a constant energy flow throughout the day. I make the rare exception and eat later if I’m out for dinner with friends, but try not to break this rule very often.

I start my day at 8am with a cup of coffee and a big glass of water. I have breakfast around 10am, and eat something light, like cereal, eggs or a small sandwich. I’m not a believer in the Atkins or low-carb diet. I’ve done them and the Ketogenic diet as well, but it’s not for me. Carbs make me super happy, and I can’t deny myself of eating them. Life is short and we have to enjoy! I eat my lunch around 2pm. For me, lunch is the most important meal, and not breakfast. For lunch I usually eat a large salad with chicken or turkey inside. I like Caesar salad, and I’m not afraid to eat the dressing that goes with it, and some bread too. Fish is also good, stuffed peppers, or roasted chicken with vegetable – even with baked, boiled or mashed potatoes. I also like steaks, and once in a while eat it with French fries. I don’t deprive myself of anything! I eat what I love, but all in healthy doses. I still eat burgers, but only 1 or 2 times a month. I eat Thai food, with rice, chicken and vegetables. What I really love is sushi. Soups, vegetable sticks and fruit are great snacks for in between. I don’t eat pizza or pasta – personally for me, it’s too heavy. I usually make a nice sandwich around 5 – 6 pm with fresh vegetables on the side. I don’t eat big things for dinner, mostly a soup, wrap, salad or sandwich. I don’t usually eat desserts, cakes or pastries, because I never liked the heavy sweet taste. However, I’m not afraid to eat a few small pieces of dark chocolate during the day, because it makes me happy.

Around February, I decided to add some fun physical activity again. I tried yoga years before and thought it to be horribly boring and hippie-infested. This year I decided to try it again, and chose a dynamic course. I loved it! It melts the daily stress away, leaving me relaxed and happy. I noticed my muscles slowly developing. It looked sexy, so I started doing yoga twice a week. In April I watched a movie from the 80’s and saw a woman doing some funny Jane Fonda moves at home. A silly thought came into my head, “Why don’t I do this at home?” So I started with sit-ups, push-ups, bum busters, squats and the side plank hip lifts. I started with a small amount of 20 times on each side, and 3 sets. Now I progressed to 50 times and 3 sets. Take your own time and start slowly. Getting in shape takes time and patience! I now also use 2kg weights, and do 30 curls on each side for my biceps and triceps, and also in 3 sets. Depending on my muscle pain the next day, I either skip a day or do these exercises everyday at home. It takes a total of 1 hour for me. I wake up earlier to do them, or in the evening after work. This with yoga 2-3 times a week does the trick for me! I’m not a jogger, and never liked it. It’s boring for me and tough on the knees. But if you like it, then it’s a great cardio workout. I walk around the entire city from appointment to appointment, which is my cardio each day. Sports really help to get rid of cellulite. I see a huge difference, and am so happy with the results!

Last but not least, my most important achievement this year was to quit smoking. Gone are the stinky, horrible, expensive and nasty cancer sticks! It’s been 136 days now, and I don’t plan to touch them ever again. I can’t believe how much more energy I have without smoking. Walking fast and climbing stairs is so much easier now. I gained 3kg as soon as I quit, but I compensated with more sports, and thankfully lost those bloody kilos again. Stopping to smoke slowed my metabolism down, but I noticed that my body is getting back to normal, and is digesting quicker without the nicotine again. It takes time. For those that say I look better now, it’s definitely the non-smoking. The skin heals and renews itself. Also the healthier food and sports help to regenerate the body. What also helps me is 8 hours of sleep, and not drinking much alcohol. I drink wine about 3 times a month, but only a few glasses, and no alcohol at home. Of course don’t forget the usual: drink lots and lots of water, blah blah. No seriously, it really helps. I also take multi vitamins everyday. I won’t lie to you, getting into shape is hard at the beginning. However once you start and see results, you won’t be able to stop. You will feel so happy and proud of yourself! You will be healthier and your clothes will fit you better, and of course this increases the self-confidence a lot. Now I’m one of those annoying people bothering my friends about health and sports, and guess what? I will never go back to the way I was before. New life, new Gali. Come and join my “New-Me-Revolution!”


Want to be happy?

Want to be happy? 1354 437 Galia Brener

Do you fantasize of the future, when you will have success in your career, a nice house, a wonderful partner to share your life with, that fast car that will get you all the fun and attention you desire, or the day you go on a warm holiday to Bali? Do you think to yourself, “When I will have this, then I will be happy and enjoy life.”? While you a dreaming of these things, life is passing you by. If you are relying on other people or things to make you happy, then you are making a big mistake.

My friend Gloria was in a relationship with a guy for three years. She told me many times how happy he made her, and how much better life was with him. To make a long story short, after the three years went by, he did not want to make a permanent commitment to her. He said he didn’t know when or if he wants to get married, or have kids at all. They broke up because there was no future for them. Needless to say, her world was shattered. She was depressed, horrified and overfilled with tears and pain for an entire year. She said, “Gali, he’s gone, and I will never be happy again. There is no one here to make me happy anymore.” This was a big statement that scared me very much. I tried to show her that this happiness must now come from inside of her, that’s the only way to survive this emotional pain. But she didn’t listen, and kept sinking lower into her depression. Last month she met a new man, and she is happy again, running around and singing. Can’t she see how dangerous it is that she can only be happy when having a man in her life? What happens if this one leaves as well? Then life is over again? Putting your own happiness in someone else’s hands is very volatile and risky. Happiness should be controlled by you, and not another person or new thing that you buy.

If you want to find yourself at a state of constant equilibrium, you cannot place your happiness in the hands of anyone else. You cannot control what someone will do to you, yet your reaction to it is your karma! Buying new things and going on holiday is nice, but if this is the only way for one to be happy, then there is a big problem. Sometimes there are situations when money is not always around, or the big love has disappeared – and then what? Life is over? So how do you generate happiness from the inside? I went through some harsh experiences with my private and career life the last few years, and I can understand what it feels like to be at the bottom. We have two choices. We either let ourselves fall lower into misery and become victims, or fight out of the black hole and create happiness for ourselves. Here is a list that helps me to keep my happiness and positivity:

1. I wake up in the morning healthy and alive, and that’s already a huge reason to be happy. I get out of bed, and say thank you out loud with a smile everyday.

2. Even if you feel sad, force yourself to smile, because this action releases dopamine – the feel-good chemical. If you think it looks stupid, go to a place where no one sees you, and smile – in the bathroom at the office or on your couch in the evening. It’s a really amazing trick that actually works!

3. Sport relives stress, and makes you feel amazing that you did something good for you! You don’t even need the gym, and can do it at home like I do. After working out, I feel a rush of happiness and gratification that I’m treating my body well.

4. When eating, take the time to enjoy your food. Taste it, and try to eat slower than usual. Don’t forget how fortunate you are to have a healthy stomach that can digest the food, and a healthy mouth and teeth that can chew. I had a cold two weeks ago and couldn’t taste my food. When it was gone, I realized how something small like tasting food could be so wonderful!

5. Spend as much time with family and friends as you can. These are the people that love you unconditionally. Get rid of all toxic people in your life that harm you.

6. During the day take a small moment, look up at the sky and say thank you for being here, healthy and alive. And smile.

7. If you’re healthy – even more or less – be grateful because that’s really something that cannot be bought or earned. Health is something that you are blessed with, so try to do all you can to keep it strong and with you.

8. If you have a weak or sad moment, start counting your blessings and think of all the positive things that are in your life now. This tricks the brain to think of the positive rather than negative things.

9. No love in your life now? My grandfather always said that what one year doesn’t do, one minute can change! So you never know what’s around the corner, and coming towards you. Feel the strong faith inside that your special one will come – it might happen sooner than you think!

10. Find something that you like and enjoy. If it’s reading, writing, watching your favorite series, painting, masturbating, cooking or eating, do something once a day that you truly enjoy. Find a hobby that occupies your time, and which you really enjoy. This brings pleasure and joy.

11. If your brain sends you negative thoughts, counteract them right away with positive happy thoughts. Trick the brain to replace negative with positive as soon as they appear.

12. I like to play house music from the 90s in the evening or morning when doing my sports or housework. It makes me happy to dance around my flat and act silly. I don’t care who sees me from my windows. I’m happy in that moment, and I smile to myself as well.

13. Action and not inertia. If you have something to deal with, do it now! Don’t keep important things that must be done for another day. You will see that you will have a tremendous feeling of relief and happiness when you get your shit done now, and not procrastinate. You will sleep better.

14. In one ear and out the other. Be Teflon. If someone hurts you or gossips about you, let it roll off of you life Teflon. Who cares? It’s usually jealousy anyways. Smile and move on. Let them gossip, it means you’re important enough for them to think about you. Leave revenge to Lady Karma – don’t get your hands dirty. (Same applies for bad loves and jobs, exes, colleagues, etc)

15. Money, nice things, good sex and food, holidays, etc are all bonuses in life. Be satisfied with the bare minimum, and enjoy when these bonuses come, because they are not the true meaning of life. The good bonuses will be graced upon you, if you know how to be happy with the minimum.

If you are at a balanced and happy state, no matter what hard things life throws at you, you will always be able to deal with it, and not allow it to destroy you! Also if you truly love yourself, then you can properly love someone else. Being in a relationship with a happy person is the best thing that you can give or have. I’ve learned the hard way that true happiness is not an external factor, and can only come from within. Depend on yourself for the happiness, because only you can truly love and give yourself, what you expect others to give you. And if they do, see it as a bonus in life and don’t take it for granted. Do you want to be truly happy? So what’s stopping you? Start now, it’s your own decision and choice!

Galia Brener on facebook

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