
WhatsApp killed the relationship

WhatsApp killed the relationship 1200 899 Galia Brener

It was a long drive back home, and thankfully I was well equipped with a good book to read, two new flavors of chips I have never tried before, and some cold Coke Zero. Everything a girl needs for a comfortable ride on the train, form one end of the country to the other. Across from me was sitting a young lady with long dark hair and big blue eyes. I noticed that she was typing something intensely into her mobile phone. I could almost see the smoke of anger coming out of her ears! She continued to abuse the poor phone, pressing her sharp long nails on the screen, creating an awful unbearable sound, like nails scratching a blackboard. Suddenly, the girl aggressively threw her phone onto the carpeted floor of the train, and let out a frustrated, angry sigh. She had tears in her eyes.

I asked if everything was fine with her, and she told me that she broke up with her long-term boyfriend… on her mobile phone! To ease the tension, I jokingly said that it must have been a hell of an SMS she just sent, and that she probably used up all her messages with that long text. She looked at me, like I was from a planet where dinosaurs still existed. She answered, “SMS? Do people still use those? I broke up with him on WhatsApp of course!” The answer to a love that lasted for 3 years: a break up on Whats-Bloody-App! The poor bastard did not even deserve a good old-fashioned SMS. He was not worth the price of it. WhatsApp is for free. What the hell happened to our world?

The further technology develops, the worse personal communication becomes. People can sit and type for hours on WhatsApp, instead of hearing each other’s voice, or meeting for a drink. Digital communication literally kills our relationships. A nice chat with your partner can turn into a disaster. One wrong letter, one wrong word, one wrong emoji smiley, and all of a sudden you are having a dreadful argument. The awful thing about digital communication is that it lacks the one and most important thing… emotions! Facebook is not much better. What if your man “liked” or wrote a “too-friendly” comment on a photo of a girl that you don’t know? Or even better, his ex-girlfriend contacted him. Or perhaps you find out the guy you are dating is flirting with ten other women on Facebook? Or perhaps even seeing them all? When our beloved Internet arrived, it brought with it many opportunities, but also many complications. The Internet turned us into a multiple-choice society. You can have A, B, C, D… or all of them online. It’s so easy to flirt left and right online with hundreds of men/women at the same time. In my opinion, this killed the purity of dating and love. Instead of searching for “The One and Only,” now online it’s all about dating and sleeping with “more and more”… or sadly even “ALL.”

My friend Gloria once destroyed a new relationship due to WhatsApp, because she did not know how the program functions. She met a guy at a party in Sachsenhausen. He was a rocker with a dirty attitude. Just a nasty man who believed that he must sleep with all of the women in Frankfurt before he died. Actually she luckily saved herself by killing this relationship, but that’s a whole other story. For now we shall only look at the mechanics of how technology killed this fake love. Gloria is a WhatsApp junkie. It’s the oxygen she breathes and the digital food she eats to stay alive. After meeting this creep, she started her usual “WhatsApp Romance” with him. They would communicate only online. I asked her why she doesn’t call him, and she said that if he wants to reach her, “he” should call. After they met a few times, Claudia fell for this idiot. She always complained that it took him too long to answer. She saw that he is online and typing something, but no text appeared on her screen. This happened a few times, so she accused him of being online and writing to “someone” else. He said that he was writing to her the entire time, but didn’t send the messages because he wanted to write something nice, so he kept rewriting his messages. I told Claudia that it is true. If she saw beside his name “typing”, then he was actually writing to her. She can’t see if he writes to someone else. She was devastated, shocked and angry with herself. She tried to save the new relationships, but it was too late. He accused her of being crazy and controlling… and all because of digital communication.

Thankfully there is a solution to this depersonalization and mass confusion. Instead of sending your loved one a text message, pick up the phone and call. You get to hear their voice, feel the emotions in their laughter, and share a few minutes of your day with them. If you have something important to say, try to do it with a call, or even better by talking to the person face-to-face. This will increase personal courage and strength of character. I have a new rule for myself (I am also guilty of using WhatsApp & Co.): if I feel that I have more courage to write to someone – which is the “easy” way out – then I wait to meet with them and say what’s on my heart in person. Sometimes It’s easier to say certain things or make confrontations electronically, instead of face-to-face. This takes courage away from people, and reduces empathy. Another thing that I would recommend, which I had to learn the hard way, is please do not have discussions with your partner via written words like sms, emails, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. This will only make things worse because no emotions can be read. Meet them personally and work things out. Do not send angry messages on your phone. You will only hurt yourself in the process. Technology kills love. Of course we are busy, and do not always have time. In such cases texting helps, but nonetheless, let’s try to keep a more personal contact to the people that are important to us. I am also guilty of this sometimes, and will start now. It’s possible to save our relationships by being more personal. Let’s not hide behind our technology and have the audacity to face the people we care about. After all, a real kiss can only happen when you look your lover directly in the eye… and not via FaceTime.

Photo by Uwe M carl of the Carl & Friends Agency

12 behavior traits that push people away

12 behavior traits that push people away 1200 973 Galia Brener

There are certain types of people that have many friends, acquaintances and colleagues always circulating around them. They are adored and people like spending time with them. What makes them so popular, beloved and fun to be with? Yet right across the other end of the spectrum, there are those people that you desperately try to stay away from. Those people are the ones that make friends at the beginning, yet always manage to lose their friendships. If you are curious to know why, here are 12 behavior patterns that push people away:1. Dominating and bossy. Nobody likes a dictating tyrant. Freedom is something that every human being deserves to have, so take care of yourself before enforcing your opinions and rules on others. Nobody likes to be bossed around, and you don’t either.2. Negative. The one thing that I despise the most is negativity in people. They make life seem so dreadful and bleak, and pull you down into their dark abyss. Stay away from these people because they are energy vampires. You will feel tired and sad after spending time with them.3. Take everything too seriously. This stems from a low self-esteem. These people usually feel that everyone is out to get them. They even take a small joke too seriously, and it’s hard to be relaxed and have fun around them.4. Complain. Nothing is ever good enough for complainers. Even if everything is going well, they will still find something to complain about. They are quite the pessimistic bunch, and it’s simply annoying because they are never positive and grateful.

5. Drama. You know those people that always attract drama into their lives, because they don’t know how to live in harmony. They are neurotic and have no peace inside. These people thrive on negative energy and fights. Stay away from them because they will deplete your energy, happiness and attract drama into your life as well.

6. Show off and arrogant. They associate their life and success with material possessions. This stems from a low self-esteem, and they need this arrogance as a form of self-protection. They try to show that they are better than others but unfortunately deep down, they feel themselves to be worthless.

7. Gossip. Always remember: if they gossip with you about other people, then they will gossip with other people about you too. People that gossip are not to be trusted, because they are usually two-faced. They will smile in your face and throw a knife at your back as soon as you turn around.

8. Doesn’t keep a promise. We all know those people that promise you castles in the sky, and end up delivering dust in the wind, meaning “nothing”. These people are not reliable and should not be trusted.

9. Dishonest. The truth always comes out, so no matter how much somebody lies, they will always be discovered for their dishonesty. Don’t trust these people, because they will hurt you over and over again. Liars never change.

10. Stingy. Nobody likes a cheap person. You cannot take your money to the grave, so why not enjoy it while you can, and share with the ones you love. Life is all about give and take.

11. Indifferent. “I don’t know, maybe. Then again, maybe not. Actually I don’t know what I think, I haven’t decided yet, maybe I like it, and maybe not. Actually I don’t know.” That’s really annoying! Make up your mind, and have your own opinion. People like confidence and assertiveness.

12. Victim role. Pity is given out for free, yet respect must be earned. Do you really want people to always feel pity and sorry for you? That’s a miserable existence. Eventually everyone gets tired and annoyed of the victim giving them the feeling of guilt.

Nobody is perfect. We all have certain types of character flaws, but we also have the chance to work on ourselves. People like positive, outgoing and strong people that they can learn from and look up to. Like I always say, get rid of the toxic people in your life, because they bring you down with them and cause much damage. Instead, fill your life with the kind of people that inspire you, and help you to be the best that you can be. Every day in life is a learning process, so try to become that person that everyone automatically gravitates to. I work on myself as well and have made many changes in the past year. I can honestly say that it was a hard road to change, but it really paid off. Being “good”, “strong” and “positive” attracts even more goodness, strength and positive energy into your life. It’s the simple law of attraction.

Bitchiness between women

Bitchiness between women 640 250 Galia Brener

It’s Saturday afternoon, and you have a date to meet the girls for a nice lunch in the city. You leave the house wearing your favorite outfit. Your hair is flowing in the wind, and your lips are shimmering in the sun. You enter the restaurant feeling happy and confident. Your girlfriends are waiting for you at the corner table, waiving at you to come over. You get there, sit down… and surprise surprise; you get a nasty look from a woman at another table! The crazy thing is, you don’t even know her!

Why is she looking at me like that? Is the question most of us women ask ourselves when confronted with such bitchiness and undeserved hatred. Why? Simple answer: because of our insecurities. Be honest to yourself, how many times did you judge a woman you do not even know simply because of her outer appearance? All women do this. A sexy blonde gets into an expensive car, and you automatically think to yourself, “Which man is she sleeping with or had to divorce to get that?” It’s shameful, but we all do this. Well my dear ladies, its time to STOP.

Lack of confidence: it is a normal human reaction to elevate one’s own self-esteem by bringing someone else down. Thoughts like these make us feel better about ourselves: “She looks easy to get. I’m not cheap like her” or “She is fat and not attractive, so why do the men look at her?” (This is not an opinion, it’s a judgment). Who the hell are we to judge another woman? The sad part is that by doing this, we are not working on ourselves to become stronger and better women, but rather we make ourselves more miserable and vulnerable. Having such feelings and thoughts about others shows that you must improve your self-esteem. No need to feel bad, many have the same issue, but this can be and should be worked on! I dealt with these issue, and honestly, I think we all have had them at one point in our lives!

Jealousy: one of the most evil feelings that exist on the Earth. There is no reason to put down another woman simply because we don’t have what she does, such as: success, happiness, wealth, a great husband, good body, etc. In fact, you should become friends with such fabulous women, and try to learn from them. If they have this, then they must be doing something right. Being open and willing to learn is the key! Girlfriends are there to help you grow. Jealousy is a nasty little devil that will eat you from within! Best to stay away from it completely.

Fear: of being second best. Or even last. You cant, and shouldn’t always be the best. Why? This is so strenuous! Don’t be afraid that the beautiful woman standing behind you will steal your boyfriend away. Stop noticing that her legs are longer than yours. So what, even if they are? There will always be girls with longer legs than yours. There will always be girls with shorter legs than yours. This is not a competition: you are who you are. That’s it. No more to it. Love yourself as you are. When you truly do, you will see how things will radically change for you! I asked many men about this fact, and almost all of them said that personality and charisma always win! Being bitchy (zickig) towards other women is a waste of time. Instead, work on your charisma and be a kind, charming, friendly and lovely woman. The ego creates fear. The ego sees others who are better as a natural enemy. Do not be weak, and don’t let your ego control you.

A girlfriend of mine, lets call her Karma, met a well-known model in Frankfurt. They went on a few dates, and she decided to sleep with him. The sex was nice, but she couldn’t connect with him on a mental level. She loved having deep, interesting conversations, but couldn’t do this with him. So she stopped seeing him. He called, but she told him that she didn’t feel the connection. After a while, Karma received a letter from a woman saying that she was his girlfriend at that time! The woman accused her of stealing him away from her. She was rude to Karma, and tried to humiliate her. Sadly, Karma didn’t know this at all! He told her that he was single. Instead of being angry at the stupid guy, this foolish woman took it out on poor Karma. Why? This is so evil and cruel. It was his fault. He lied to both of the women! When will we ever grow up ladies, and see that we have to stick together and support each other, instead of hating each other?

We are not animals. We differentiate from animals because we have the intelligence to inquire into the truth and meaning of our existence. If you spend your time being bitchy to other girls, how will you ever evolve and find your meaning here? You need your time and energy to do something real, enjoy life, make love, succeed at your career, travel, sing, dance, whatever… but certainly not waste time judging other women. Doesn’t that seem petty compared to your existence on the planet? You have bigger and better things to do!

Try this experiment (It always works for me): Next time you see a random woman and want to judge her, push your nails into your palm. The feeling is not the nicest, but the pain will automatically stop your bad thoughts. When you give some innocent lady a bad stare, do the same. When you talk negatively about a woman at your work, do the same. Eventually you will stop. You don’t need this evil inside of yourself. Get rid of this, and open yourself up to goodness. Women, like you, are wonderful, beautiful, caring, nurturing, loyal and empathetic. We should support one another, instead of making it harder for each other in this male-dominated society. It’s time to stop being enemies and become friends.


Drama at the Fashion Week in Berlin!

Drama at the Fashion Week in Berlin! 1354 437 Galia Brener

My love for Frankfurt will never fade, but even the die-hard fans like myself, have to leave their cozy Äppelsche-Nest once in a while. So I packed my Cheburashka with me, and headed East towards the sunrise.

The first stop for my adventure was the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in Berlin. I have a love/hate relationship with this city. Some good career moves happened for me there, but also a few bad things – including a horrible heartbreak that took a while to recover from. As we arrived and checked into our beautiful suite by the river, the excitement was mounting inside of my stomach. I put on my custom-sewn silk oriental dress, the highest heels I had with me, large round gold-framed glasses, and made my way to the black Mercedes shuttle that was waiting for us in front of the hotel.

We were invited by Nespresso, and the rep greeted us with VIP passes and guided us to the lounge. There were beautiful people everywhere, and I felt like Gali in Wonderland, cushioned by the cold warmth of champagne. We were given our tickets and ushered into the first show. There were cameras everywhere with flashes going off like deranged alien eyes. As the lights dimmed, we saw who the camera-magnet was. It was Tommy Hilfiger in his snazzy red pant, supporting the Designer For Tomorrow show that we were about to see. Klaus Wowereit, the mayor of Berlin was sitting not far away from us. He was pleased to hear that I am a Canadian enjoying Berlin, and so we chatted about Toronto, writing and fashion. My gay friend Dan started flirting heavily, his eyes glazed over by the fantasy of being “Berlin’s First Lady”. Mr. Wowereit was not responding to him, so Dan got angry in his sassy bitchy way, got up and loudly said, “UH! Don’t pay attention to me, whatever! I’m going to flirt with Tommy. By the time you finish your airport, we will all be already dead anyways!” and stormed away. Oh my Lord. I love my friends. The word drama doesn’t do it justice. A man behind us almost fell on the floor due to laughing hysterics, and I wanted to crawl under my seat. Thankfully the show has started, and all politics were quickly forgotten.

Luckily we managed to go back quickly to the Mercedes Lounge for a refill of the cold champagne before the backstage tour and the Guido Maria Kretschmer show, because the drama there outdid the previous one! We arrived at the front row, and a lady seated us in the center with the best view for the show. There was a Kretschmer Barbie on each seat for the guests to take, and a naughty man beside me said that the doll had no panties on. Dan and his friend Stan were excited too soon about the hot seats we got, because a moment after, a square-built man came up to them and said they had to leave because the seats were reserved for his client. Dan and Stan did not move anywhere. A few minutes later the client arrived, who happened to be Verona Pooth, and said they have her seats. Stan waved his hand in front of his face in an exaggerated “No” gesture. I could see that Ms. Pooth was about to express her own gesture, and before the cameras would rush in front of our Frankfurt faces, I pulled Dan and Stan up from the seats, and she shot me an appreciative friendly glance. Another accident avoided! Of course both took the Barbies with them, waving the naked plastic oysters in that direction as they were leaving! The funny thing was that our original seats were almost right across, also in the front row. The Kretschmer show was full of energy and elegance. I especially liked the last few dresses that had a glamorous rock feeling to them, which I would definitely wear for a special occasion like a Guns n’ Roses reunion concert and backstage party. Thank you Mr. Kretschmer for a wonderful collection and show!

After the show ended on that warm summer Wednesday evening, we later made our way to the Borchardt restaurant for the legendary VOGUE & Mercedes Benz event, where the who’s who of the fashion world were to be seen. It was exceptionally chic there, and felt like a scene out of the Chanel movie. The ladies were sashaying across Borchardts in their exquisite black and nude outfits, and I felt like an exotic parrot in my coral-toned silk dress. But never mind the color shock, I had Dan and Stan on each arm, and the guests loved them! The night was setting, and I felt like Frankfurt’s Cinderella, who had to hurry to her carriage, before the clock struck midnight, and my Gucci shoes would turn into two Bembels on my feet! The DanStan Team stayed at the party, with the hopes of catching a rich sugar daddy, and finally having a chance to become a trophy “wife”. As a matter of fact, Dan did meet a very influential man, but he swore me to secrecy not to mention the name. If that ever comes out, it would be the talk of Europe for months! I came back to my castle, spread my dress on the velvet couch, and slipped underneath the crisp cold sheets. In the morning, I realized that I was completely alone in the suite! Where were my friends? I had to find my sweet little troublemakers, who were hopefully not hung over in a dungeon somewhere, because we had to leave Berlin and continue on our adventure. The MotoGP race was definitely not going to wait for us to start. I called Dan, and he picked up with a lazy seductive voice, whispering something that had me grinning from ear to ear…

… The adventure is continued here


















Just arrived at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week!

Just arrived at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week! 1354 437 Galia Brener

We just arrived at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, and going to our first show. The weather in Berlin is spectacular today – warm sunny blue skies to die for. The people are chirping louder than birds with happiness. The Champagne is flowing in the Mercedes Lounge, and the beautiful models are running around excited as little children on Christmas. The atmosphere is magical! ❤️

I will report later with updates about the show and parties!

Your Gali



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