VIP Lounge opening at Frankfurt airport

VIP Lounge opening at Frankfurt airport 1280 720 Galia Brener

My day started off with a big bang of bright sunshine, as I opened my curtains to the wonderful view. The VIP shuttle was coming to pick me up at 9:30 am to drive me to the event. I’m a rather spontaneous lady, and didn’t have a single clue what I should wear that day. I knew that this is a very important and fabulous event, so I decided to go all out! Something wild and unforgettable. Luckily I received my psychedelic turquoise tutu a few weeks before and felt that this would be perfect for the occasion. I always trust my gut feeling and instincts, because they never deceive me.

As my doorbell rang, I flew downstairs and was escorted by a handsome young man into the stylish Bentley. A strong feeling of serenity and bliss washed over me, while the sun rays kissed my face, as we made our way towards my favorite airport. Instagramming and Snapchatting myself to oblivion, I haven’t realized that we finally arrived! My door was opened and I stepped onto the glamorous red carpet. There were many photographers and media people there, anticipating the celebrities to arrive. Smiling warmly at the cameras, I walked inside, curious beyond belief as to how the 1300m² lounge looks.

Upon entering the main area, I understood right away why the media and people speak so fondly about it! It’s basically everything one needs to relax in luxury and take a quiet time out while waiting for the plane to arrive. There are separate suites where the guests can escape to and spend their time as their hearts desire. There are different themes to each suite, making each new visit a unique experience. I was impressed by the bar and dining area and also the perfect gym and cigar lounge. Everything was designed to perfection by Bergit Gräfin Douglas, owner of MM Design in Frankfurt. What really caught my attention was the love to details. The juicy and happy colors on the walls, the sensual paintings, the remarkable books everywhere and much more! This is definitely a lounge that must be seen and experienced.

While making my behind the scenes video, I bumped into Kai Böcking, the beloved moderator. We talked about life and business ideas, while sipping on fresh orange juice. Later on, the glamorous Harald Glööckner and I had a nice chat in the oriental style suite downstairs. We talked about life, love and business. Harald told me how he came to his success. I have to say that he is a very warm, kind and sincere man, who left a very lovely impression on me. He has a very magnetic and inspiring presence. Harald was sweet and predicted my love future for this year and I was very happy to hear this prophecy! (See the funny video on my blog).

This chic VIP event brought many lovely people together. Thomas Anders of Modern Talking was there, who is a famous German singer, composer, and record producer. He was accompanied by his stylish wife Claudia Weidung-Anders. I have been gazing at Claudia’s outfit the entire day. It was a mixture between Coco Chanel herself and Karl Lagerfeld. We got a chance to chat in a quiet suite and make a nice mini photoshooting together. I was highly impressed by this ambitious, strong, chic, warm and lovely businesswoman. My dad is right, he says if the man is the head of the family, then the woman is the neck, which turns and leads! Smart man my Papa.

I was curious about Claudia’s business and she told me about her concept “HOME & DOGS”, which stands for understatement luxury. It includes everything from healthy, nutritious and gluten-free premium food to the chic dog bed & home accessories. Basically everything a dog and owner’s heart desires. She is inspired by the style of the Hamptons and Sylt, and one can definitely see her good taste!

After signing the VIP guest book and making a last round in the lounge, it was time to get into the Bentley shuttle and make my way back to the small city center with a big attitude. I have to admit that this was a very glam event. Everything was organized to perfection and all of the guests looked like they were enjoying themselves tremendously. I had a really great time as well and met many cool, new and interesting people. True to the lounge’s name, we were given the full VIP treatment and had all of our desires met. I will definitely come back to the lounge on my next trip!

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Enjoying Wild Sport in Thailand

Enjoying Wild Sport in Thailand 1280 959 Galia Brener

When I first found out about my trip to Thailand, I was joyous beyond belief. For I have never been to Thailand before, and it was my heart’s desire to go there for many years already! Lady Luck was on my side and she was being very gracious to me. I was invited to be in a television show called “Thailand for Ladies”, airing on RheinmainTV, which was created by the travel agency Vivamundo Reisen and the TAT to promote tourism in Thailand for women.

I have been to many places around the world, lived on four different continents, but still missing on my list was the City of Angels, known as Bangkok. The locals say that this mysterious city is where the immortal divinity dwells, and the thought of walking the same ground as the immortal souls made me feel like I’m going on a secret mission. We boarded the beautifully designed pink and purple Thai Airways plane and set off on our adventure!

There were many fascinating cultural things on our program, but what really got me in the princess warrior spirit, was our amazing sport program: Muay Thai, yoga and a bike tour in the jungle!

Before I left Frankfurt, I geared up on all my active wear at TK Maxx, because they have a huge selection of everything one needs for the perfect workout. I love getting my sporty stuff there because not only is it functional, but also stylish and everything is always up to 60% cheaper than the RRP. For example, the leggings that I bought there for my Thailand yoga class has pieces of mesh running down the legs that show my skin in all the right places. We all want active wear that actually looks good while we are sweating and straining ourselves, or as I like to say, “Looking sensual with a perfect sport performance”. Besides, what is a better time than the present to work on the “New-You”? I like to think that a new year brings a new start. For me personally, this new start comes along with a healthier lifestyle, which definitely includes doing sports and staying fit. Therefore I was very happy to jumpstart to the “New-Me” with these fun activities in Thailand!

The first adventure on the list was Muay Thai over the roofs of Bangkok at the gorgeous Anantara hotel. I was given a bright red pair of Thai boxing shorts, and told to be on the roof of the hotel in one hour! The shorts were a perfect match to my red t-shirt. Knowing that everything will be filmed, I was quite happy about the perfect outfit. Thanks to my warrior-princess nature and my martial art past, I raced to the roof, joyous beyond belief at the thought of practicing with a real Muay Thai fighter. We trained for a while, and the teacher showed me the basic tricks in the book, and it didn’t hurt that he was quite handsome as well. After the lesson I realized how much I missed martial arts in my life. It’s a feeling of being connected to the ancient warriors and protectors from the past. After the kicks, I felt the adrenaline rushing through my veins the entire night!

What’s a Thailand trip without a proper visit into the depths of the jungle? Mine involved a 30 km bicycle ride! Spraying myself three times from head to toe in horrendous mosquito repellent, I jumped onto the bike and was ready to rumble. Again, the Outfit-Color-Gods were on my side during this trip, because I was given a helmet that perfectly matched what I was wearing. For those who know me, know my immense love for tie-dyed clothing, which probably confirms that I was a hippie in Woodstock in my past life. I was lucky enough to find a gorgeous blue t-shirt dress at TK Maxx, which was chic, yet casual enough for this jungle adventure.

We saw majestic temples on the way and many friendly locals waving at us. When we arrived in the jungle, we had to ride over swamps on elevated wooden boards. Some parts of the path were only 1 meter wide and I had to keep precise balance, not to fall off the elevation into the swamp, making myself the perfect snack for a friendly crocodile. Having to defend my new Muay Thai warrior image, I smiled and said sure, great, so easy. It was everything else but easy, because I swerved a few times, yet luckily caught my bike in perfect time before plunging into the green goo. I haven’t felt more alive in years! It was an absolutely amazing, thrilling and fascinating experience, one that I will not soon forget!

The life in Bangkok was very fascinating and full of action. The atmosphere and energy were something that I enjoyed very much. I come from Toronto, which is a fast-paced and vibrant city, therefore I felt very happy and at ease here. It was time to take the plane to our next destination, the lovely and beautiful Koh Samui.

Last but not least was the relaxing part of the wild sport tour. Since I can’t go without yoga for more than a few days, I was thrilled when we made our way to the Yogarden in Koh Samui. This was a funky little yoga school set outside in the nature. It was my first time doing yoga directly in a jungle outside. The experience was overwhelming, and I felt the peace and quiet enter my mind and spread throughout my body. Feeling pretty in my pink yoga outfit, this wonderful outdoor lesson left me with a very positive and releasing feeling.

A few days later, it was time to leave my newfound paradise, known as Thailand. I was very impressed with all the activities that we did there. I could not imagine a better place to enjoy such a variety of fun and wild sports as there! I felt elated and at peace. Everything was happening in the right flow and to perfection, including my impeccably handpicked sport outfits at TK Maxx for this amazing journey. It was time to board the plane back to Ebbelwoi city. Standing at the gate, while staring outside the large window, I felt that I will be back soon, because it’s impossible to stay away from the City of Angels.


Check out the awesome active wear at TK Maxx:

Sponsored Post.


Spaß und Sport – Genießertour in Thailand

Als ich von meiner Reise nach Thailand erfuhr, habe ich mich unglaublich gefreut, denn ich war noch nie dort und es war mir seit Jahren ein Herzenswunsch, einmal dort hin zu reisen. Die Glücksgöttin meinte es gut mit mir und sie war gleich sehr großzügig. Ich wurde eingeladen, in einer als Sendung auf RheinmainTV geplanten Fernsehshow namens „Thailand for Ladies“ mitzuwirken. Die Agentur Vivamundo Reisen und das TAT wollten damit den Tourismus in Thailand für Frauen fördern.

Ich war schon an vielen Orten auf der ganzen Welt und lebte auf vier verschiedenen Kontinenten, aber was auf meiner Liste noch fehlte war die Stadt der Engel, besser bekannt als Bangkok. Die Einheimischen sagen, dass in dieser geheimnisvollen Stadt die unsterbliche Gottheit wohnt und der Gedanke, über den gleichen Boden wie die unsterblichen Seelen zu gehen gab mir das Gefühl auf einer geheimen Mission zu sein. Wir bestiegen das wunderschöne rosa und lila bemalte Thai Airways Flugzeug und starteten zu unserem Abenteuer.

Es standen viele faszinierende kulturelle Dinge auf unserem Programm, aber was mich wirklich in den Geist der Kriegerprinzessin versetzte, war unser imposantes Sportprogramm: Muay Thai, Yoga und eine Radtour im Dschungel!

Bevor ich Frankfurt verließ, hatte ich mich mit der passenden Kleidung für alle Aktivitäten ausgerüstet und zwar bei TK Maxx, denn dort findet man eine riesige Auswahl an allem was man für perfektes Training braucht. Ich bevorzuge dieses Geschäft für meine sportlichen Sachen, weil sie dort nicht nur funktional sondern auch stilvoll sind und dabei auch noch immer bis zu 60% günstiger als der UVP. Zum Beispiel habe ich dort eine Leggings für meine Thailand Yoga-Klasse gekauft. Sie hat Netzeinsätze entlang der Beine, so dass die Haut an den richtigen Stellen zu sehen ist. Wir alle wollen, dass Aktivkleidung wirklich gut aussieht während wir schwitzen und uns anstrengen, oder mit anderen Worten, wir wollen es „sinnlich mit perfekter sportlicher Funktion“.

Außerdem, gibt es einen besseren Zeitpunkt als gerade jetzt an einem „neuen Ich“ zu arbeiten? Ich denke, dass ein neues Jahr immer einen Neuanfang bringt. Für mich persönlich bedeutet dieser Neustart einen gesünderen Lebensstil, zu dem definitiv Sport und Fitness gehören. Deshalb war ich sehr glücklich, mit diesen tollen Aktivitäten in Thailand in mein „neues Ich“ zu starten!

Das erste Abenteuer auf der Liste war Muay Thai über den Dächern von Bangkok im wunderschönen Anantara Hotel. Ich bekam ein leuchtend rotes Paar Thai Boxer-Shorts, verbunden mit der Aufforderung, in einer Stunde auf das Dach des Hotels zu kommen. Die Shorts passten perfekt zu meinem roten T-Shirt. Da ich wusste, dass das alles gefilmt wird, war ich sehr zufrieden, dass das Outfit so perfekt passte.

Dank meiner Kriegerprinzessinnen-Natur und meiner Kampfkunst-Vergangenheit rannte ich voller freudiger Erwartung auf das Training mit einem echten Muay Thai Kämpfer auf das Dach. Wir trainierten eine Weile, der Lehrer zeigte mir die grundlegenden Tricks in seinem Buch – dabei schadete es der Sache überhaupt nicht, dass er auch noch ziemlich gut aussah. Nach der Lektion wurde mir klar, wie lange ich in meinem Leben Kampfkunst verpasst habe. Sie vermittelt das Gefühl, mit den alten Kriegern und Beschützern aus der Vergangenheit verbunden zu sein. Nach den Tritten fühlte ich wie das Adrenalin die ganze Nacht durch meine Adern rauschte!

Was ist eine Thailand-Reise ohne ein richtiges Eintauchen in die Tiefen des Dschungels? Meine Version davon bestand aus einer 30 km Fahrradfahrt! Nachdem ich mich dreimal von Kopf bis Fuß mit einem abscheulichen Moskito-Abwehrmittel eingesprüht hatte sprang ich auf das Fahrrad und war einsatzbereit. Wie so oft auf dieser Reise waren auch diesmal die Outfit-Farben-Götter auf meiner Seite. Der Helm den ich bekam, passte farblich genau zu meiner Kleidung. Wer mich näher kennt weiß von meiner großen Vorliebe für Batik Stoffe, vermutlich der Beweis für ein vergangenes Leben als Flower-Power-Hippie in Woodstock. Ich hatte das Glück, ein wunderschönes blaues T-Shirt-Kleid bei TK Maxx gefunden zu haben, das schick und dennoch lässig genug für dieses Dschungelabenteuer war.

Wir sahen majestätische Tempel auf dem Weg und viele Einheimische winkten uns freundlich zu. Als wir im Dschungel ankamen, mussten wir teilweise Sumpfgelände auf erhöhten Holzbrettern überqueren. Einige Abschnitte des Weges waren nur ca. 1 Meter breit und ich musste sehr präzise balancieren um nicht in den Sumpf hinunter zu fallen, was mich zu einer perfekten Zwischenmahlzeit für ein freundliches, aber hungriges Krokodil gemacht hätte. Da ich mein frisch erworbenes Image als Muay -Thai-Krieger zu verteidigen hatte, lächelte ich und sagte: sicher, super, alles easy. Es war alles andere als easy, weil ich ein paar Mal böse schlingerte, aber glücklicherweise mein Rad im allerletzten Moment vor dem Abtauchen in den grünen Schmodder wieder in den Griff bekam. Seit Jahren habe ich mich nicht mehr so lebendig gefühlt! Es war eine rundum erstaunliche, spannende und packende Erfahrung, eine Erfahrung, die ich nicht so schnell wieder vergessen werde.

Das Leben in Bangkok war hochinteressant und voller Aktion. Ich saugte mit Genuss die Atmosphäre und die Energie dieser Stadt in mich auf. Ich komme aus Toronto, einer hektischen und dynamischen Stadt, daher fühlte ich mich hier sehr glücklich und wohl. Es war Zeit, den Flieger zu unserem nächsten Ziel, dem wunderschönen und großartigen Koh Samui zu nehmen.

Zu guter Letzt kam der entspannende Teil der coolen Sporttour. Da ich es nicht mehr als ein paar Tage ohne Yoga aushalte, machte ich mich begeistert auf unseren Weg zum Yogarden in Koh Samui. Dieser entpuppte sich als eine unkonventionelle, kleine Yoga-Schule draußen in der Natur. Zum ersten Mal machte ich Yoga draußen, direkt in einem Dschungel. Eine überwältigende Erfahrung, ich spürte, wie sich Frieden und Ruhe über meinen Kopf und meinen ganzen Körper ausbreiteten. Ich fühlte mich gut aussehend in meinem rosa Yoga-Outfit und verließ diese wunderbare Outdoor-Lektion mit sehr positiven und befreiten Gefühlen.

Ein paar Tage später war die Zeit gekommen, mein neues Paradies Thailand wieder zu verlassen. Ich war sehr beeindruckt von all den Unternehmungen die wir dort erleben durften. Ich könnte mir keinen besseren Ort vorstellen, um eine solche Vielfalt an Spaß und wilden Sportarten wie dort zu genießen. Ich war beschwingt und zufrieden mit der Welt. Alles auf dieser tollen Reise lief flüssig, perfekt und passte, inklusive meiner tadellos handverlesenen Sport-Outfits von TK Maxx. Es war Zeit, das Flugzeug zurück nach Ebbelwoi City zu besteigen. Ich stand am Gate, sah durch die großen Fenster und fühlte, dass ich bald zurückkehren werde – es ist unmöglich, der Stadt der Engel lange fern zu bleiben.


Überzeuge dich selbst von der tollen Active Wear bei TK Maxx:

Sponsored Post.


Galia Brener – Thailand travel TV show – 2016

Galia Brener – Thailand travel TV show – 2016 1872 1054 Galia Brener

Dear friends, here is our Thailand show from #rheinmaintv  I’m curious about your questions and comments. Thanks and hugs, Gali 

Thank you dear Sandra Lorenz, Laura Staeter, Natalie Rosini, Michaela Schiffer and Stacy Boll.



BILD Newspaper – 15.03.2016

BILD Newspaper – 15.03.2016 1080 530 Galia Brener

Thank you dear Jörg Ortmann and BILD for this lovely article ♥ Fun in the snow!


Read the full article here:






BILD - 14.03

LVMH – Glenmorangie Unseen Pop Up Bar in Munich

LVMH – Glenmorangie Unseen Pop Up Bar in Munich 1080 530 Galia Brener

I have been looking forward to this cool pop up event ever since the mysterious envelope arrived! Starting tonight, the Glenmorangie Unseen Bar will only be there for 3 full days. Now that’s what I call pop up at its finest. Appearing and disappearing, like a mythical vision in the night, on the hunt for the perfect whisky!

My adventure started yesterday when I checked into The Flushing Meadows, a cool designer boutique hotel, only a few steps away from the venue. Every room in the hotel is designed differently, and I got the romantic pink room for this night. I felt like a princess as I jumped onto the 4-poster bed and glanced up at the very high loft ceilings. I then hung up my 5-layered black tutu, looked around with a smile on my face, and instantly knew that it will be an amazing evening!

As we arrived at the event, the first things that caught my eye were the huge giraffe standing in the middle of the room, the fancy Glenmorangie bottles and the cool wooden sunglasses in their funky round displays. Literally a sight that can be found in a dream or a Dali painting! We were greeted by the handsome duo Jörg Bernicken and Andreas Haumesser, who were the masterminds behind this fabulous evening. They gave us a warm welcome and led the way to the bar in the mysterious back room.

The walls were painted black, the lights were dim, enticing, and the DJ was spinning his hypnotic beats. The spicy fragrance of Glenmorangie was pulling at us, like a seductive woman’s fingers, calling and beckoning us to the dark bar. We asked the bartender to surprise us. He replied that his mission was to make us happy. This evening was getting better and better by the minute. He created two fantasies for us. One was a sweet blend of the whisky with a fresh peach pulp. The other was a whisky sour with a dried fruit on top, both served in the style of the 19th century, with amazing attention to details. The drinks tasted even better than they looked. I am usually a wine and champagne lover – like many women are – but I have to say that I was positively astonished by Glenmorangie, a brand established in 1843. The exquisite taste of the bold whisky made its way from my tongue, around my mouth and down my throat. It warmed me up, from the inside out and put a smile on my face. Such a rich whisky, with multiple layers and a complex presence on my taste buds.  I looked around the room and was fascinated by the chic women with the golden drinks in their hands. There is something very sensual about women drinking whisky!

We went back to the front room, curious to find out more about the wood sunglasses. The brand is called Finlay & Co., created by Dane Butler, Sam Lawson Johnston, David Lochhead and Tom Stannard. At 399,00 € a pair, Finlay & Co. and Glenmorangie, are two British brands for whom wood is a central part of their story. The cool thing is that the frame of the glasses is actually produced from the same cask where the Glenmorangie whisky is stored. It’s like giving the wood cask a second life! Environmentally friendly recycling and fashion at it’s best.

All of a sudden a beautiful voice came from the speakers and seemed to penetrate louder into the room. As I turned around, I saw where it was coming from! The gorgeous Marzenka was dancing around the party with a mic in her hand, while singing over the DJ’s tracks. Simply wow! This is definitely a great talent to discover. We were in awe of her velvety voice pouring out magic and sheer power. It sounded as smooth as the hint of vanilla in the fine whisky that tantalized our taste buds. This flavour was accompanied by delicious catering, specializing in creams with truffles and exotic spices.

I have to say that we were all quite impressed by the event. The lovely guests were all happy, chatting with each other energetically into the late night hours. After tasting all of the various Glenmorangie blends and ranges, dancing, meeting new people, flirting, eating, trying on the sunglasses with the giraffe and attempting to understand the Bavarian dialect, it was time to go back to my pink room, slip on my pink sleeping dress and float away into my sweet dreams.

The Glenmorangie Unseen Pop Up Bar is only there for 3 days in Munich. My suggestion would be to grab a friend, go there, do some whisky tasting, try on the cool wood sunglasses and have a great time!

Thank you to LUXURIOUS.THINKING., Andreas Haumesser Public Relations and Moët Hennessy for this fabulous event and unforgettable evening!

Have fun and ‪#‎glenmorangieunseen,

Your Gali


Glenmorangie Unseen Bar

Reichenbachstr. 22, Munich


The sunglasses can be purchased exclusively at:

My outfit: Tutu and top: vintage, belt: The People Of The Labyrinths, shoes: PETER KAISER, bag: Galia Brener


























Jean Paul Gaultier & Galia Brener on RTL

Jean Paul Gaultier & Galia Brener on RTL 1200 1200 Galia Brener


Thank you dear Jens Prewo of RTL for this lovely interview and making me your number 1 in the countdown!  

#fashion #style #JeanPaulGaultier #LotharMatthäus #Galiabrener #YesNoMaybe #Galiainaction


Does Jean Paul Gaultier believe in true love? ♥








Dominicana Moda – Fashion Week – Day 4 with Jean Paul Gaultier!

Dominicana Moda – Fashion Week – Day 4 with Jean Paul Gaultier! 1170 762 Galia Brener



Today was the first day that I woke up full of energy and élan. Either the jet lag was finally fading away, or my body subconsciously knew that tonight was the big night! Jean Paul Gaultier – my idol – was showing his collection. I have been waiting for this day for over half a year now. I even woke up one hour before my alarm, which is very untypical for me, because I love to get my sleep whenever I can. But today was a very special day. I jumped out of the warm and cozy bed, tried my new Colgate whitening tooth paste to upkeep my bleached teeth, ate some fat-killing passion fruit and started my day.


I could tell that there were already many people at the hotel because the wifi became excruciatingly nonexistent. But being the high-tech survivor nerd that I am, I discovered one little secret place in the hotel, where the wifi works as fast as the speed of light. I went to hide in my little wifi time machine and uploaded some photos and articles for you. Then I met the team at the restaurant – of course they chose the table directly beside Jean Paul Gaultier’s male models! In order to calm down and not freak out with excitement the entire day, I had to jump into the huge pool and swim many laps. I spotted a man peculiarly similar looking to Richard Branson on a lounge chair beside me. Could it have been him? It might have been in a different lifetime, if he wasn’t loaded with a double belly! I laughed to myself and continued writing with frenzy on my laptop. I realized that working at the pool in the Caribbean weather was not such a bad way to get some work done.


The tick tock of the clock reminded me that the time was pushing closer to the event. We were very lucky because we were allowed to be at the Garden Tent with Jean Paul Gaultier, while he was rehearsing with the models. We knew what the show and music would be like before everyone else did. I ran up from the pool, took a nice long relaxing shower, made my wavy hair straight, put on my favorite makeup (Peter Thomas Roth CC cream and Mac highlighter for that flawless glowing look, light smokey eyes and pink juicy lips), threw on my favorite black and white dress with my Byblos pumps, grabbed my front row ticket and made my way out. I met Jens and Nina and we went inside the tent, where Mr. Gaultier was already in full swing – chatting, laughing, dancing, organizing and guiding the models. He’s a man of visions and action, and hence likes to do many of the duties by himself. There was one funny moment where Mr. Gaultier stopped the show and told the models to kiss. He said this is such a funny and cute way. (See the video on my YouTube channel).


I have to mention here how amazingly down to earth, warm, sincere, funny and kind Mr. Gaultier is! Usually designers like to keep their show a mystery and are not happy with many people hanging around before the show and especially not directly around the runway during rehearsals. He waned to have us around him, and didn’t mind at all when we asked a hundred questions and made a thousand photos. He was very patient with everyone. I respect that so much about him. He was so cool, calm and collected – and this an hour before the highly anticipated show! Bravo Mr. Gaultier, another great reason why you are my fashion idol! Jens got a chance to have a nice interview with him, and I ran around being the curious monkey that I am – gathering information, images and memories of this wonderful experience. The press people made a circle around JPG and everyone wanted to have a piece of him. I sat at the front row, admiring the atmosphere. I was in fashion heaven! It was funny because I kept running Jens’s videos with my loud excited comments beside him. Thankfully my chatter is not to be heard on the video they showed on the VOX Prominent show – a famous German TV show about celebrities. Needless to say, I look like a cartoon CIA agent, hanging beside Mr. Gaultier on the video. Don’t ask! ;-) (Video on my YouTube Channel).


Out of fun for my love and relationship column, I asked Mr. Gaultier if he believes in true love. His exact answer was, “I believe only in love. Even real, or not real, or not true and true, I don’t care. Love is the most important thing!” He was laughing while answering my question and that me laugh back. I was very happy to know that the magnetic and bright man still believes in love! (See this video also on my YouTube channel). The time was running and it was dangerously close to the beginning of the show. Mr. Gaultier gave me a wink and quickly left backstage. I took my fabulous seat at the front row and waited for the guests to arrive. It was great to see what everyone was wearing in Santo Domingo to such a glamorous event. Miss France was one of the models at the show and even the Dominican Republic president’s wife was there – sitting a few seats away from me. The women were all dolled up and chic to the bone! The men were proud to accompany them. It was like a scene from a Gatsby party. Then suddenly the lights went out and a traditional Scottish bagpipe sound mixed with an electronic beat shook the tent. I didn’t know what to expect, but as soon as the first model came out, I was ecstatic to see that it was the famous JPG wild style that I love so much! The only way for me to describe the collection is: “A classy and posh French underground fashion gang meeting up in a dark corridor and making their way to the Mad Hatter’s New Year’s Eve Tea with Absinthe Party!” If you have no clue what I mean by this sentence, please take a look at the photos of the collection below. I loved every single piece! My favorite one was the stripped long dress at the very end of the show, with a large black rounded apron in the front, and a huge black bow in the back. I would even wear that wild dress to my wedding – so creative, unusual, sexy, feminine and unforgettable! Once again, Jean Paul Gaultier managed to lift me off my feet and fly me away to his imaginary land of couture magic. At the end of the show, he came out dancing onto the runway and got a standing ovation. Everyone in the room was standing for him and he rightfully deserved every single clap!


After the show, we went backstage to congratulate Mr. Gaultier. We chatted a bit and then allowed him to take a breath of fresh air after his exciting day. We went to the after-party, where the VIP guests couldn’t stop talking about the incredible show. Everyone had the same opinion: this collection was a brilliant masterpiece. I agreed! The music was hypnotizing and the champagne was flowing. I felt like a little girl high on too much sugar. It was such a huge honor for me to be a part of this exciting event. I didn’t know what, where, when or why, but all I knew is that I haven’t been this happy in years! It was a big jump forward for me and my blog. I felt that this was the wonderful next step in the ladder of my career. The Dominicana Moda was over with a big bang! This was definitely my favorite show of the entire fashion week. JPG knows how to entertain the people and keep everyone on their toes. I made my way back to the room, prepared my tired self for bed and jumped in between the crisp sheets. With a satisfied and joyous feeling, I closed my eyes, let my mind drift back to the thrilling events of the day and fell asleep with a soft smile on my lips.





















The Jean Paul Gaultier Fashion Show






























































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