
Wie man an heißen Sommertagen cool bleibt

Wie man an heißen Sommertagen cool bleibt 1365 2048 Galia Brener

1. Lass die Sonne draußen!

Auch wenn du dich darüber freust, die Sonne endlich wiederzusehen, solltest du verhindern, dass sie direkt in dein Zimmer scheint und den Raum aufheizt. Halte deine Jalousien oder Vorhänge über den Tag geschlossen um das Aufheizen zu verhindern.

Zwischen 10 und 17 Uhr solltest du Sonnenstrahlen vermeiden, verwende zusätzlich Sonnencreme, um dich vor den Strahlen zu schützen. Diese können nämlich für dich und deine Haut sehr gefährlich werden. Ganz nebenbei: Gebräunte Haut ist nicht wichtiger als deine Gesundheit!


2. Essen

Vermeide es, besonders große Portionen zu essen, da dein Körper sich während dem Verdauungsvorgang aufwärmt.

Ich lebe nach der Regel „Das letzte Essen kommt immer vor 18 Uhr“. Dadurch ermögliche ich es meinem Körper, alles Gegessene vor dem Schlafen gehen zu verdauen. Das bewirkt neben einem angenehmeren Schlaf auch die bessere Kontrolle des Körpergewichtes.

Für alle, die es scharf mögen: Scharfes Essen hat an heißen Tagen einen entscheidenden Vorteil. Zunächst gleicht sich die gestiegene Körpertemperatur der Umgebungstemperatur an und der Blutdruck steigt, was zu verstärktem Schwitzen führt. Aufgrund des Schweißes kühlt der Körper dann schneller ab und ihr kommt auch bei heißen Temperaturen gut durch den Tag.


3. Bleib cool

Wasche deine Handgelenke und Füße vor dem Schlafen mit kaltem Wasser. Alternativ kann auch ein Eisbad für die Füße sehr entspannend sein. Die Füße und ganz besonders die Sohlen sind sehr empfindlich, weshalb der Temperaturwechsel sich schnell bemerkbar machen wird.

Benutze Kühlpacks oder Eiswickeln am Nacken, den Gelenken, den Ellenbogen oder unter dem Knie, um deinen Körper abzukühlen.


4. Sport

Wenn du regelmäßig Sport machst, solltest du deine Trainingszeit auf den frühen Morgen oder den späten Abend verlegen, vermeide Sport am Mittag. Sollte dein Trainingsraum oder Fitnessstudio eine Klimaanlage haben ist eine Trainingseinheit mittags auch möglich.

Sport mit direkter Sonneneinstrahlung ist keine gute Idee, im schlimmsten Fall bekommst du dadurch einen Hitzeschock, der für dich und deine Gesundheit sehr gefährlich werden kann.


5. Achte auf die richtige Kleidung

An warmen Tagen solltest du lockere Kleidung aus Baumwolle oder Leinen tragen, idealerweise in hellen Farben. Die helle Farbe reflektiert das Licht effektiver als dunkle, während die lockere Kleidung aus natürlichem Material bessere Luftzirkulation ermöglicht und so den Körper besser kühlt.


6. Ventilatoren

Stelle etwas Eis direkt vor den Ventilator! Das Eis kühlt die Umgebungsluft und der Ventilator verbreitet die kalte Luft im gesamten Raum. Für unterwegs kannst du dir einen kleinen Ventilator besorgen, den du mit deinem Smartphone steuern kannst.

Schirm-Ventilatoren sind nicht nur praktisch an warmen Tagen, einige Modelle laden sich durch Solar-Panel sogar selbst wieder auf. Sogenannte „Bedfans“ helfen dir dabei den Raum während der Nacht zu kühlen.


7. Abkühlen und Einfrieren

Kühle deinen Bett- und Kissenbezug vor dem ein paar Stunden vor dem Schlafen gehen. Außerdem kannst du Cremes und Lotionen im Kühlschrank lagern, um dich beim Eincremen zu pflegen und Abzukühlen.

Atme mit deinem Mund in einen mit Eis gefüllten Becher. Kalte Luft einatmen wirkt Wunder!

Fülle eine Wärmflasche mit kaltem Wasser und friere sie ein. Wenn du dann schlafen gehst, kannst du die Flasche mit ins Bett nehmen und an die Gelenke oder Knie legen, um deinen Körper zu kühlen.


8. Trinken – Der wichtigste Punkt!

Wenn du viel schwitzt, verlierst dein Körper viel Wasser, was zu einem Erschöpfung oder einem Hitzeschlag führen kann – also trink viel!

Ich empfehle mindestens 8 Gläser Wasser, Tee und Co. zu trinken: Das hilft, die Körpertemperatur zu regulieren. Vermeide Alkohol, an heißen Tagen ist dieser nicht besonders hilfreich. Habe immer etwas Wasser bereit, falls du Durst bekommst!


Gali’s Drink Tipp:

Ich teste seit ungefähr drei Wochen den Pure Tea von Pfanner und bin sehr überzeugt. Ihr wisst, ich bin sehr pingelig was meine Getränke angeht, von daher war ich sehr überrascht und begeistert als ich sah, dass der Tee 0 Kalorien, 0 Gramm Zucker und keine Form von Süßstoff beinhaltet.

Immer nur Wasser trinken ist mir einfach zu langweilig, deshalb ist der Pure Tea die ideale Alternative für mich.

Der Pure Tea ist die Erfrischungslösung für heiße Tage, auf die ich und sicherlich auch viele von euch gewartet haben. Es gibt ihn in einer schicken, kurvigen Flasche, was das Halten und Tragen vereinfacht. Er schmeckt sehr angenehm und ist gut zu trinken.

Probiert es selbst!

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(English version below photos)




Staying “Oh-So-Cool” on Hot Summer Days



• Even though the sun is beautiful, it must be shut out of the room in order to stay cool. Keep your shutters, blinds and curtains closed during the day. This will prevent your room from overheating.

• It’s very important to avoid direct sun exposure from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m and always leave the house with 50 SFP sunblock. The sunrays are very harmful and your skin must always be protected. Being tanned is out.



• Eat small meals regularly, because your body warms up while it works harder to digest large meals.

• I always follow my “Last Meal Before 6 p.m.” rule. This allows my body to fully digest everything that I have eaten throughout the day, leaving my stomach relaxed and happy when I sleep. This also helps to keep my weight in balance.

• For those who like it hot: eating spicy foods makes you sweat by increasing your body’s temperature, matching it with the one outside. This also increases the blood circulation and due to the sweating, you will cool down within an hour or two.



• Wash your wrists and feet with cold water before going to bed. An ice bath for your feet is also very effective. The soles of your feet are highly sensitive, therefore the temperature change will cool you off immediately!

• Apply cold compresses and ice packs and to pulse points at the neck, wrists, elbows, ankles and behind the knees.



• Do your sports only early in the morning or later in the evening, but never in between – unless it’s in an air-conditioned gym.

• Don’t ever work out directly in the sun, it can lead to heat stroke – which is lethal and can cause death or damage to the brain and other internal organs.



• Wear only cotton, loose clothing and light colors on hot days. There is a reason why linen clothing is so beloved in warm countries – it’s not just about staying trendy.

• Light colors reflect the heat away from the body, while natural materials and loose clothing help to increase air circulation around your skin and release heat and sweat that’s trapped under the clothing.


6. FAN

• For the ultra cooling effect, put ice directly in front of your fan. The ice will cool the surrounding air and the fan will blow it directly towards you.

• Get a small fan that is operated through your mobile phone. I got one for my iPhone, which connects to the charger port.

• Umbrella fans are great for hot days, and also come with a solar panel to charge itself on the go.

• Get the Bedfan, which really helps to stay cool while sleeping.


7. Freeze

• Freeze your sheets and pillowcases for a couple of hours before bedtime.

• Store your body lotion, moisturizer and Aloe Vera in the fridge, making it very refreshing as you apply it on.

• Hold a cup full of ice over your mouth and breathe into it.

• Fill a hot water bottle with ice water and freeze it. This works very well, especially at night, because you can sleep with this bottle in bed. Place it around your thighs, wrists, ankles and the back of your knees.



• Sweating can cause dehydration, which can lead to heat stroke and exhaustion – therefore drink, drink, drink!

• I recommend at least 8 glasses of fluids per day, which also helps to regulate your body temperature. Try to stay away from alcohol on hot days.

• Don’t forget to keep a full glass beside your bed if you get thirsty at night.


Gali’s Drink Tip:

• I have been testing the Pure Tea from Pfanner for 3 weeks now and am very convinced. You know that I am a snob when it comes to what I drink, therefore what really impressed me is that the tea has 0 calories, 0 sugar and absolutely no sweetener.

• I am super bored with always drinking water when I do my yoga, therefore the Pure Tea is finally a very welcomed alternative for me.

• The Pure Tea is a refreshing solution on hot days and comes in a chic curve-shaped bottle, which makes it easy to hold and carry around with you on the go. It tastes very light and goes down easy.


Try it out for yourself:


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Galia Brener – SkinScope Hautanalyse (Skin Analysis) von SkinCeuticals

Galia Brener – SkinScope Hautanalyse (Skin Analysis) von SkinCeuticals 2048 1146 Galia Brener

🌞 SKIN PROTECTION this summer 🌟 I had a very cool, interesting, lovely, fun and educational day – while getting my SkinScope Hautanalyse (Skin Analysis) by SkinCeuticals. This was at the beautiful new Code Beauty in Frankfurt. A truly unforgettable experience! CURIOUS? Check out the video!

#SkinCeuticals #secretpocketsocietyTV #galiabrener



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Journal Frankfurt Summer Fest 2016 on the MS Catwalk

Journal Frankfurt Summer Fest 2016 on the MS Catwalk 1600 875 Galia Brener

This year the traditional and beloved Journal Frankfurt Summer Fest was taking place “on” a very special location. I haven’t been there since summer 2012 and was definitely thrilled to be back there again!

My good friend Jens Prewo picked me up from home, smiling as I came down in my extravagant long red dress. My motto has always been the same, “Better overdressed than underdressed.” The sun was shining and I was in very good spirits. I was happy to see colleagues that I have I haven’t seen in a while and meet new people from our city.

As we arrived at the Nizza restaurant, we saw the MS Catwalk boat docked directly at the main riverside, floating gracefully in her grandeur. Looking at the boat from ashore, a few memories rushed into my mind. Memories that are very special to me, and ones that I will never forget. Many guests have already arrived and the upper deck was filled with excited people and loud music. The party was in full swing.

Jens and I made our way onto the boat, our happiness rising with every step towards the top. The upper deck was filled with delights. A handsome young man offered us a sparkling wine, and the Journal crew was wearing sailor hats, which created the perfect mood for a perfect party! I was not the only one that made an effort with my outfit. Many people were dressed beautifully – men in sharp suits and ladies in elegant dressed.

As the boat started to sail, the energy was multiplying like electricity on the deck. The talk and laughter of the guests became louder and the music was beating harder. I looked up at our beautiful skyline and knew that I was home. This thought made me very happy.

I saw many people I knew and also met some new ones, such as the Journal business partners, some local celebrities, politicians, and the list goes on and on. It seemed like everyone had a shiny glass in their hand and a big smile on their face – definitely the sign of a very successful event!

After a while, we walked down to a deck below us and were welcomed by a delicious smell. Of course we followed the tantalizing aroma were greeted by a lovely chef, eager and happy to tell us about his delectable creations. I tried all the different dishes and was very impressed. From exotic fish, to various meats, fresh vegetables, artistic looking desserts and more! It was a fest for the taste buds and a very lovely experience for a gourmet like myself. Jens and I shared our table with new people that we just met, and were happy to talk about Italy, wines, pasta, cheese and… someone’s rice balls.

When the dinner was over, we made a little tour around the beautiful MS Catwalk, which is designed by Porsche. The lowest deck has an LED bar, with a big dance floor and a DJ area set up across. This is a perfect place to dance and have fun, even if it gets a bit chilly outside.

Back at the upper deck, the music was making the boat vibrate, and the feeling of floating smoothly on the main was unforgettable. Many photos were taken, which I am sure will be seen in the Journal Frankfurt magazine very soon. After the hours melted away, the boat was docked again. Nobody wanted to leave because the evening was so fabulous!

Eventually I left the sophisticated MS Catwalk, smiling to myself about how much has changed in my life since I was last on it. I walked towards the Nizza steps, and looked back at the water and the happy people dancing on the upper deck. Instantly I knew that everything is ok. Everything is happening as it should. Life has a way of working out for the best and fate always does her work – what’s meant to be will always happen. I walked up the stairs with an easy and light heart.

Thank you Journal Frankfurt for this wonderful evening!


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Outfit of the Day Special Feature: Burberry

Outfit of the Day Special Feature: Burberry 1080 530 Galia Brener

Heritage and Tradition.

When I think of Burberry, these are two words that come to mind. In my opinion, Burberry is one of those few brands that will always hold its high place in the fashion world, representing this strong connection to the past, present and future. In other words, Burberry is so classy that it will never go out of style!

It all began in 1856. Founded by 21 year-old Thomas Burberry in Basingstoke, England, the brand was beloved for its waterproof outdoor specialty. Mr. Burberry invented the gabardine – which is the water-resistant fabric that his Internationally beloved trench coats are made out of.

I’m obsessed with it – not only is Burberry the king of the tartan pattern, but it’s also a super versatile brand that can be combined and worn in an endless variation of styles.

I decided to walk a bit on the wild side this lovely spring afternoon – by wearing the chosen Burberry pieces with my favorite punk-influenced ripped jeans shorts and 12cm high-heeled boots. I’m a big fan of combining the wild rock black, slightly gothic look with a conservative chic flair. A strange combination, I know, but unique and very edgy. Aren’t we all born to be a bit wild?

Summer 2016 is almost here and with it comes the overwhelming urge to wear a splash of color. I personally love pattern clashing, like I did with the two different Burberry tartan colors – red and beige. Who says what is wrong or right? My advice is never to follow trends and simply invent your own individual look that makes you feel special.

We all have our own vixen, princess, queen, rock star, shy girl, dare devil, intellectual woman, femme fatale, girl-next-door, mother, child and angel living inside of us. My favorite thing to do is wear a completely different look as often as I can, which satisfies each individual facet of my character. Changing your look like a chameleon is not a bad thing at all – it allows you to discover yourself and see what feels right on the inside and outside.

Another super cool look for the Burberry blouse would be with tight black leather leggings, a blue jeans or black a-line skirt with a belt at the waist, or the classical beige riding pants. This look can be worn with pumps or flat biker / riding boots. Topped off with a proper hat and thin skin-tight gloves.

For me, fashion is a statement about how I feel at that very moment when I put my outfit on. Thomas Burberry started a legend back then that gave us a chance to scream our feelings out loud – in style and elegance.

Have fun with your clothing and self-expression.

Be free. Be wild. Be brave. Be yourself.





My Burberry pieces for this shooting are: yellow rain coat, bright blue short wool duffle jacket, men’s XXL shirt – which I wore with a thin black belt, a vintage bag and matching scarf.













Galia’s weekly favorite outfit picks – 21.03.2016

Galia’s weekly favorite outfit picks – 21.03.2016 1080 530 Galia Brener

Dear readers, 

I would like to share my favorite outfits of the week with you. Since it’s the official beginning of spring, I think that we can happily bring out the pastels and colors! This spring, I would like you to try wearing something bold… maybe something that you did not feel you can pull off the years before? Life is short and precious, so why waste another day blending into the background? This is our time now. Our time to live and enjoy!

Please share with us which one is your favorite piece?

Feel free to browse and enjoy!


Gali ♥ 

Versace Spring Summer 2015 Collection

Versace Spring Summer 2015 Collection 1200 894 Galia Brener

Whoever says that Frankfurt is not chic, has obviously never been to the Goethestrasse, which boasts store after store of the best couture brands in the world. Last Friday the highlight was the Versace store, presenting its spring summer 2015 collection.


It has been a week filled with glamour and Champagne for me, and my visit to Versace did not change that. I was greeted at the door by the elegant Emanuela Canto, the store manager of Versace. I could see that she was preparing for a while for this dazzling event, running around with a sparkle in her eyes and mesmerizing the guests with her melodic Italian voice.


I wanted to capture all of my favorite outfits for your dear readers, so I didn’t take a seat at the show. Instead, I stood at the end of the runway, waiting for each model to strut seductively towards me so that I can photograph each look directly from the front. I absolutely adore to make my own photos and show you personally what my eyes see. As usual, the Versace models were as gorgeous as ever – tall, young, sexy and straight from Milano – to show us how these beautiful outfits can be worn and shown off.


The main colors for the season were pastels, black, white and some splashes of color, used to accent the details. There were many geometrical patterns to be seen, as well as some glittering material that flicked like diamonds when the models walked underneath the spotlight. Some pieces had long skirts on the front and back, yet revealing the entire left leg, all the way up to the thigh. Versace is definitely making sure that it will be a very hot summer this year – including lots of bare stomachs for the ladies. Talk about sensuality in the form of clothing! What I loved were the many a-line short dresses, which took me back to the 60s, yet had a sharp modern touch.


As the show ended, many of the women were already running up to Manuela, waiting to secure their favorite outfit in their size. I made my way to a soft black leather jacket, hanging seductively in the front area of the store and quietly calling my name. Those who know me, know about my passion for tight leather jackets. This particular one is a beauty that must live in my closet.


I had a very nice chat with the models and they told me that this collection was one of their favorites in the past years. I definitely agreed. The time was running like speed of light and Cinderella had to leave the Versace Ball, thankfully with both shoes on, plus a nice little present for later. Thank you dear Emanuela Canto for a wonderfully organized event and brining the Italian flair to our mini cosmopolitan city with a big attitude!


































































Bild newspaper 16.08.2014

Bild newspaper 16.08.2014 1354 437 Galia Brener

Just found this in the Bild newspaper on Saturday. It’s true – I love Ibiza! My special Island full of magic, inspiration and love. Thank you Jörg Ortmann and Bild newspaper for this lovely photo and article about me ♥



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