Vielen Dank lieber Enrico Sauda, Bernd Kammerer und die FNP – Frankfurter Neue Presse
Read the article here:
FNP – Frankfurter Neue Presse: Behind the scenes video – Silvester 2016/17 photoshooting. Article and photo coming out on the 31st of December in the #fnp. Thank you dear Jutta Failing, Bernd Kammerer, Enrico Sauda and the Sofitel for the super fun day! ❤️ #nofilter #noediting #noretouching #raw #reality
I wish you a great 2017 dear friends! A good year full of health, love, prosperity, joy and fun! May all your dreams and wishes comes true in 2017. This is your year!
Many hugs, Your Gali
Check out the behind the scenes video: