
Best Friend or Enemy?

Best Friend or Enemy? 1200 400 Galia Brener

Be careful whom you let into your life, because some women are cruel, egoistic, conniving and have an ice block where the heart is meant to be – and they will stop at nothing to get what they want. They are like a vampiric hurricane that storms into your life, sucks out your energy, destroys the love you have with your man, copies your identity and style, kills your good friendships and contacts, damages your career, ruins your life and “innocently” walks away after. Can an evil friend get away with such brutal behavior, or will Lady Karma eventually catch her by the hair and make her wish that she was never born?


This brings me back to a very unfortunate situation that my friend Ambrosia went through last year. She had a good friend whom she has known for many years – let’s call her “GreyMouse”. These two did everything together and were the classical definition of best friends. One day, Ambrosia met a really wonderful guy. They fell in love quickly, and started a warm, passionate and intense relationship. They had some occasional fights, but the love was strong. GreyMouse started acting strange towards Ambrosia. She felt the strong jealousy coming from her and GreyMouse was saying and doing things that hurt her. However, Ambrosia has a good heart and let a few things go, keeping in mind that GreyMouse was supposedly her “best friend.”


One day the bomb was dropped! After a year and a half of being together with her man, Ambrosia was trying to keep the relationship strong because they had some fights and problems along the way. They were at a very sensitive point, where a drama could destroy their bond. That’s exactly what happened. One evening they went out for dinner in a large group. GreyMouse sat beside Ambrosia’s boyfriend, and she was flirting with him while some funny stories were told. She wrapped her hands around his biceps saying how strong he was, and even poked her finger inside of his shirt, joking about his muscular hairy chest. Ambrosia hated it, but let it go, knowing that she was her good friend. Later on she saw GreyMouse talking to her guy outside, and wondered what the secrecy was all about. As she approached them, she heard GreyMouse saying, “…but you have to know something about Ambro, she likes to argue, have fights and needs drama in her life! She lives on it.” Ambrosia stopped mid-step and felt like the Earth was removed from her feet. What a vicious betrayal! After that sentence, her guy looked at her with different eyes.


They broke up a month after this scenario, and in their last fight, he said, “GreyMouse was right! You just love to argue and need this drama in your life! I don’t want this anymore.” That hit her like a block of cement on the face! GreyMouse implanted a “thought” in his head that night and he subconsciously accepted it as a “fact”. His mind registered: “If her best friend says this about her, then it must be true, because she knows her better than I do, so I will believe it.” Then it was over.


Ambrosia was destroyed for many months after that. She took the breakup very hard and was not able to move past it for a long while. Her heart was shattered into a million pieces! Why the hell did her friend say this awful crap about her to her boyfriend? What was the need to betray her in such a cruel way? But such evil actions never go unpunished. Karma will always show up and do her work properly. She is a lady on a mission and she misses nothing and no one! Sometimes it takes a week, sometimes it takes years, but Karma’s work always gets done! Evil also has a way of functioning like a boomerang – and it will strike back the person that released it in the first place. Months later, Ambrosia heard that GreyMouse had some misfortunes in her life.


Ladies, please choose carefully who you allow to enter your lives. Not everyone is genuinely happy for you! – Especially not those evil women pretending to be your good friends. Therefore, share as less as possible about your life and relationship details. The less personal information you expose to such snakes, the less jealousy and destruction will occur. Unless it’s a super trusted old friend, otherwise keep your business to yourself! Open up your eyes and pay attention to the small signs and things these people say and do. If you feel that something is not right, it usually isn’t. If you see there is too much jealousy and negativity, the best method is to remove them from you life immediately. Hatred and jealousy should not have a place in your life, and you must not let such people close to you, otherwise you will regret it. Like my Mama always says, “Who needs enemies if one has such evil friends?” Remove poisonous “friends” out of your life – the sooner, the better!





12 behavior traits that push people away

12 behavior traits that push people away 1200 973 Galia Brener

There are certain types of people that have many friends, acquaintances and colleagues always circulating around them. They are adored and people like spending time with them. What makes them so popular, beloved and fun to be with? Yet right across the other end of the spectrum, there are those people that you desperately try to stay away from. Those people are the ones that make friends at the beginning, yet always manage to lose their friendships. If you are curious to know why, here are 12 behavior patterns that push people away:1. Dominating and bossy. Nobody likes a dictating tyrant. Freedom is something that every human being deserves to have, so take care of yourself before enforcing your opinions and rules on others. Nobody likes to be bossed around, and you don’t either.2. Negative. The one thing that I despise the most is negativity in people. They make life seem so dreadful and bleak, and pull you down into their dark abyss. Stay away from these people because they are energy vampires. You will feel tired and sad after spending time with them.3. Take everything too seriously. This stems from a low self-esteem. These people usually feel that everyone is out to get them. They even take a small joke too seriously, and it’s hard to be relaxed and have fun around them.4. Complain. Nothing is ever good enough for complainers. Even if everything is going well, they will still find something to complain about. They are quite the pessimistic bunch, and it’s simply annoying because they are never positive and grateful.

5. Drama. You know those people that always attract drama into their lives, because they don’t know how to live in harmony. They are neurotic and have no peace inside. These people thrive on negative energy and fights. Stay away from them because they will deplete your energy, happiness and attract drama into your life as well.

6. Show off and arrogant. They associate their life and success with material possessions. This stems from a low self-esteem, and they need this arrogance as a form of self-protection. They try to show that they are better than others but unfortunately deep down, they feel themselves to be worthless.

7. Gossip. Always remember: if they gossip with you about other people, then they will gossip with other people about you too. People that gossip are not to be trusted, because they are usually two-faced. They will smile in your face and throw a knife at your back as soon as you turn around.

8. Doesn’t keep a promise. We all know those people that promise you castles in the sky, and end up delivering dust in the wind, meaning “nothing”. These people are not reliable and should not be trusted.

9. Dishonest. The truth always comes out, so no matter how much somebody lies, they will always be discovered for their dishonesty. Don’t trust these people, because they will hurt you over and over again. Liars never change.

10. Stingy. Nobody likes a cheap person. You cannot take your money to the grave, so why not enjoy it while you can, and share with the ones you love. Life is all about give and take.

11. Indifferent. “I don’t know, maybe. Then again, maybe not. Actually I don’t know what I think, I haven’t decided yet, maybe I like it, and maybe not. Actually I don’t know.” That’s really annoying! Make up your mind, and have your own opinion. People like confidence and assertiveness.

12. Victim role. Pity is given out for free, yet respect must be earned. Do you really want people to always feel pity and sorry for you? That’s a miserable existence. Eventually everyone gets tired and annoyed of the victim giving them the feeling of guilt.

Nobody is perfect. We all have certain types of character flaws, but we also have the chance to work on ourselves. People like positive, outgoing and strong people that they can learn from and look up to. Like I always say, get rid of the toxic people in your life, because they bring you down with them and cause much damage. Instead, fill your life with the kind of people that inspire you, and help you to be the best that you can be. Every day in life is a learning process, so try to become that person that everyone automatically gravitates to. I work on myself as well and have made many changes in the past year. I can honestly say that it was a hard road to change, but it really paid off. Being “good”, “strong” and “positive” attracts even more goodness, strength and positive energy into your life. It’s the simple law of attraction.

Gali, the Tinder police.

Gali, the Tinder police. 1354 437 Galia Brener

Dear cheaters, I’m sorry to have to do this, but you had enough of selfish dirty “fun” on the side. It’s time to bring the darkness out to face the light. Actually I’m not sorry at all for doing this. For those that know me well, know that I’m a warrior of love, and absolutely despise cheating. I think it’s the most cowardly thing to do when in a relationship. It’s egotistical, weak and extremely unkind! The act of cheating shows that a person has zero respect and compassion towards their partner and themselves. Thank you Tinder, for showing us who these people are.

During my few months on Tinder, I was astonished to see how many men are on there that are married or have wonderful girlfriends, which I know! I have discovered many men, from advertising agencies owners, to hotel, club and restaurant owners, to “kind” doctors, teachers and other “humanitarians” – all cheaters, without a soul or care about the pain they cause their partners. And it’s not only the men. There are exactly as many women cheaters on Tinder, trying to pull a few nasty orgasms on the side, while their husbands are away on business trips, working hard to bring home some money and give them a good life! What the hell is happening to this world? Are there no more morals, values and loyalty out there? I’ve always been old-fashioned, but have I missed the moment where fidelity became a thing of the past? Is it not cool anymore to be faithful to one partner, or has the world become so narcissistic that we need to have sex with 5 people at the same time, including our partner, just to prove to ourselves that we are still hot and wanted? I don’t get it, and I don’t even want to know, because I think it’s horrible and cruel. Ladies and gentlemen, we are moving further into the future, but it’s really time to bring back some solid old values. If you can’t be faithful, then don’t be in a relationship. Basta.

Another person I discovered on Tinder last week was the boyfriend of a very good friend of mine, Michelle. She’s a kind, wonderful, beautiful, intelligent and funny woman. Any guy should be happy and proud to have her by his side – except her asshole man, who I caught surfing Tinder shamelessly, looking to sleep around. I was there when Michelle met her guy some years ago, at a beautiful gala in Frankfurt. They laid eyes on each other, and she thought that he’s “The One”. They planned a wonderful future together, and she was waiting for the ring and proposal any day now. Last month they bought a flat in Westend together. It’s a flat to die for, but unfortunately those walls will not be hearing Michelle’s laughter. Instead of being the Wonderful-“One”-till-death-do-you-part, he turned out to be “The One” who bitterly hurt and humiliated her. Why buy a 1.7-Million Euro flat in Frankfurt for your happy life together, and then cheat on Tinder? The crazy thing is that two women sent me an email yesterday, saying that they have been “dating” this same greasy coward at the same time! What a mess!

This is how you can find out if your “loving” partner is cheating on you on Tinder (for both men and women). If you truly trust your partner, then don’t do it. If you feel something is fishy, then try it. I must warn you, be careful what you look for, because those who seek often find. The truth is not always nice.

1. Create a fake account on Facebook
2. Upload some beautiful photos (not of you of course) – make sure they look real and are not model/campaign photos.
3. Download Tinder, and create a profile.
4. Swipe, swipe, swipe, until you either find your partner or not. It’s a game of Russian roulette. You might be one of the lucky ones that have a good love on your side, who still has morals and is faithful.
5. If you do find your partner, click the match heart.
6. If s/he doesn’t click the match heart back, at least you now know that they are on Tinder.
7. If you get a “match” with your partner, then make a date with them, and give them a surprise from hell – where they are from.
8. This is a rough test, but it’s better to find out sooner than later. Always know that you deserve the best, and should have someone in your life that truly loves you, and wants to be only with you!

Even if these people are not meeting anyone on Tinder for sex, and are just “testing the waters”, this is actually the beginning of the end. If you think there’s something better out there for you, don’t waste your partner’s time and drag them along, while you’re “window shopping” for someone else! This is cruel and shameful. Let me remind the cheaters once again that Lady Karma is out there, and likes to get her revengeful claws deep into the flesh, digging out the heart and guts, full of dirty blood and tears. Cruelty will not go unpunished. If one causes pain to others, then it will come back to them – but much worse. So be aware. Karma doesn’t miss anyone. Sometimes it takes days or years, but she always manages to get her job done! So, liar liar pants on fire – get your ass off of Tinder, build up some courage, and do the decent human thing – talk to your partner and straighten things out! Either you are faithful or breakup, but don’t destroy a good person just because of your disgusting selfish need for cheap fast sex.

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