
Wizo Basar 2016 – Charity Event

Wizo Basar 2016 – Charity Event 1280 960 Galia Brener

As every year, the Wizo hosted their wonderful bazar event last weekend. Many of the charity supporters were there, including Uwe Becker, Peter Feldmann, Bärbel Schäfer, myself and others. Everyone came to enjoy the delcious food, music, entertainment, amazing shopping, and all for a good cause!

All proceeds went to the Theodor-Heuss-Familientherapiezentrum in Herzliya (Israel).

I had the perfect charity weekend and was very happy to end Sunday with another good cause.

Looking forward to the next events and helping more charities.


Your Gali ♥





This last group photo was taken by: Rafael Herlich

THE FRANKFURTER Magazine – 1st Edition

THE FRANKFURTER Magazine – 1st Edition 1650 875 Galia Brener

Thank you to the team of THE FRANKFURTER for this lovely article. Thanks dear Natalie Rosini, Nikita Kulikov for the photos, Nina Meise, Julia Meise, Robin Zabler, Anaik Inavrav Inaharaf, Sandra Lorenz,Kathrin Kion, Kendra Facus and all the others involved! Read the full article in the magazine.






Elizabeth Arden – NYC meets Frankfurt at the Beauty and the City event

Elizabeth Arden – NYC meets Frankfurt at the Beauty and the City event 1650 875 Galia Brener

On one of the last warm nights this summer, we were graced by a very special presence, from a city that many love. I am no stranger to this fabulous brand and have been using their 8 Hour cream ever since I could remember. Where I come from in Toronto, Elizabeth Arden is a beloved name in many households, so needless to say, I was thrilled when I saw the shiny invitation in my mailbox.

My good friend Jens Prewo picked me up and we made our way out into the warm evening. The event was being held at one of my favorite place in the city, the Palais Thurn und Taxis. As we approached the main entrance, we saw the yellow NYC Taxi parked in front of the massive double doors, with the Beauty and the City logo printed proudly on it. A NYC cab in the middle of Frankfurt am Main – what a beautiful sight!

The event was taking place upstairs, in the elegant rooms of the Palais. We were greeted with a cold glass of champagne and some very fine catering delicacies. Of course little miss piggy me had to try all the dishes, in order to get a proper feeling of the atmosphere and vibe. Inside the press was already lined up, waiting eagerly for the action to begin! And action there was. The event was being moderated by the beautiful Eva Padberg. She appeared in a glamorous off shoulder black gown. Later on my friend Sabrina Setlur arrived, along with other models, moderators and actors.  

This fabulous event was supported by Frank Kuhlmann, owner of the Kuhlmann Beauty Consulting GmbH. He arrived dressed all in white, accompanied by his beautiful girlfriend Nina Isabell Knop also completely in white. I thought that was a super cool idea, because everyone else was dressed in black – like at a typical NYC party. 

I couldn’t help but run around the event, trying out the lovely new products and rubbing every cream on my face and hands – Troublemaker Gali at her best. I was extremely impressed with the small Ceramide Restoring Serum capsules, which work best when applied onto the face and neck. I knew that I had to get this product asap. I was impressed to see how many women are using Elizabeth Arden in Germany!

Throughout the evening, a wonderful band was playing all of the classic and favorite New York songs. It was a very lively atmosphere and people were talking and dancing. Later on we went downstairs with the girls and some cool photos were taken of us in front of the yellow cab. I found it very amusing to mix the two worlds, because I always felt that Frankfurt can be compared to a little mini tiny New York, therefore it was a perfect fit 

After some nice hours of amusement, friends, drinks, food, glamour, media and beauty, it was time to slowly make my way back home. I was given a large gift bag with my name on it at the reception downstairs. I noticed it was quite heavy and that meant some nice things to try out at home. Little did I know that Christmas would come early this year. The bag was filled with the best Elizabeth Arden products, including the serum that I wanted to try so much. Lucky lady karma was with me tonight.

I wanted stay and dance longer with my friends, but my killer heels wouldn’t allow me this pleasure. The feet ruled the girl, and they forced me to walk back home on the yellow brick road towards the Commerzbank Tower. I never cease to be amazed at how truly wonderful our little Mainhatten is.  

*** Win an exclusive Elizabeth Arden gift bag with 4 of my favorite products: Skin Illuminating Retexturizing Pads, Skin Illuminating Brightening Day Serum With Advanced MIXConcentrate™, Eight Hour® Cream Skin Protectant in der Limited Edition I LOVE Eight Hour® and last but not least, the Ceramide Capsules Daily Youth Restoring Serum! More details coming next week on my blog:


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FRANKfurtstyleaward Fitting 2016

FRANKfurtstyleaward Fitting 2016 1600 1066 Galia Brener

Text written by: Michaela Schön

Photos by: Simon Zimbardo

Haarspray Wolken, Puderpinsel und Blitzlichtgewitter – Am vergangenen Samstag wurden die Häuser der Mode (hdm) Frankfurt erneut Schauplatz der Vorbereitungen für das große Finale des FRANKfurtstyleaward am 23. September 2016 in der Alten Oper Frankfurt.

Erstmals wurden die 60 Finalisten Designs an die Models der Frankfurter Modelagentur East West Models und der MainTopmodels angepasst und vor der Kamera präsentiert.

Alle wichtigen Partner und Mitwirkenden packten mit an, um die Fashion Show für den Gala Abend des Internationalen Nachwuchswettbewerbes zu arrangieren und zu perfektionieren: Die routinierten Make Up Artists der renommierten Frankfurter Famous Face Academy sorgten für ein auf die Designs abgestimmtes Make-Up und perfekt sitzende Zöpfe. Designer und Choreograph Marco Marcu behielt Backstage einen kühlen Kopf. Mit dem Kennerblick wies der Backstage Director des FRANKfurtstyleaward den Models das jeweilige Design zu und bestimmte die Abfolge auf dem Laufsteg. Um die Designs perfekt in Szene zu setzen, mussten einige Designs an verschiedenen Models probiert werden bis es ein stimmiges Bild ergab. Fashion Show Produzent Ty-Rown Vincent hatte ein Auge für die Details und verhalf den Models zu einer showreifen Körperhaltung, lies sie einzeln laufen und gab ihnen Feedback und Tipps zu der Qualität ihres Laufstils. Fotografisch in Szene gesetzt wurden die TOP60 Designs in diesem Jahr von Fotograf Martin Joppen, der nicht nur auf ein stimmiges Gesamtbild, sondern auch auf die raffinierten, handgearbeiteten Details der Designs achtete.


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Der Videobeitrag unseres Medienpartners rheinmain tv gibt einen umfassenden Einblick in das FRANKfurtstyleaward Fitting 2016:


Here is the article about the beautiful fitting day on BILD Frankfurt Zeitung / Newspaper:


Text and photos source:


Front Row Society – Concept store opening in Frankfurt

Front Row Society – Concept store opening in Frankfurt 1600 875 Galia Brener

Frankfurt is becoming cooler and more chic each day! I’m extremely happy to see that the fashion industry is making its way to us, wanting to grace our city with beautiful creations. Last week I was invited to the opening of the Front Row Society concept store, and let me tell you, it was fabulous!

The amazing event was organized by Manuel Gies, owner of the STRATEGIES agency. He’s known in our lovely city for his other projects with Hugos Frankfurt, Jaguar Land Rover, Maserati and now, Front Row Society. He told me that he loves what he does because it’s his passion since 2009.

My friends picked me up at 7pm and we walked to the opening. I wore my favorite transparent Llobycats skull maxi dress and topped it off with a black peace necklace and my highest heels. As we approached the red carpet, we were greeted by Florian Ellsaesser, founder of the Front Row Society. Mr. Ellsaesser was quite charming and gave me a personal tour of his lovely concept store. He explained why his vision was so important to him, and I agreed about the uniqueness of his idea – merging fashion and art into one entity!

Front Row Society was founded in Berlin in 2011. It is a fashion brand with a contemporary aesthetic that combines sophisticated designs with subtle details. Each collection is developed in collaboration with a community of artists from all over the world. Each Front Row Society piece is a sophisticated translation of an artwork or technique into a beautiful, wearable garment made of high quality materials. Simplicity is paramount in Front Row Society’s collections; inspiring stories come to life in minimal designs that create a unique yet effortless style.

I think that this is a brilliant idea, because for example, with the limited edition Santiago Taccetti collection, nothing looks the same! Mr. Taccetti works his art masterpieces into the leather itself, making it a true one-of-a-kind piece. It’s great having something in your closet that nobody else has. Even if your best friend buys the same bag as you, yours will be different because it contains a different element of the artist’s work. This mirrors the theory of nature, where nothing is ever exactly identical. What a super cool concept!

Since I’m in a major backpack phase now, I had to get my hands on the beautiful black Laura bag – big enough for my daily carrying needs and also for traveling. I especially love the gold metal handle at the top, the small geometric-shaped slits on the leather and fine metallic elements throughout the bag!

Of course Frankfurters expect nothing less than a glamorous red carpet event, and that is exactly what we got at the opening last week. Arriving fashionably late at the Neue Rothofstraße, I was very pleased to see the “who’s who” of our city – celebs, fashion divas, famous singers, politicians, actors and producers, finance moguls, designers, and the list goes on and on. At the entrance, we were greeted by a lovely lady who placed a white satin ribbon around our wrist and ushered us into the large and very beautiful concept store. Everything, from top to bottom, was ultra modern. This is what I call chic-minimalism at its finest! Being the accessories lover that I am, I ran straight for the bags and scarves and loved what I saw!

The people were walking around the store, curious to touch this and that, enticed by the fine works of art and unique fashion pieces. I noticed how happy Mr. Ellsaesser was with the turnout of the opening event, and that made me happy as well, seeing how the Berliners were appreciating our fashion sense.

My friends and I were delighted to be there together, sipping sparkling wine, talking fashion and enjoying this fabulous evening. After a few hours, I noticed that it was getting late and I had to run to the next party, because in a few hours I was celebrating into my birthday. I bid the lovely concept store and it’s brilliant creators farewell. My heart skipped a beat, knowing how glamorous our city was becoming. This gave me a feeling of honor and pride, knowing that I was a part of the Frankfurt fashion revolution! Thank you Front Row Society for enriching us with your presence here. We welcome you with open arms – to our small cosmopolitan city with a big attitude.

Photos by: Nikita Kulikov


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Cirque du Soleil: Amaluna premiere in Frankfurt – 11.05.2016

Cirque du Soleil: Amaluna premiere in Frankfurt – 11.05.2016 1080 530 Galia Brener

I have to start by saying that I am so proud to be Canadian! As I walked closer to the enormous tent and saw the beautifully familiar Cirque du Soleil logo, my heart swelled with pride and joy! I have already seen quite a few different Cirque du Soleil shows, therefore I was very curious what Amaluna will be like, compared to the others.

It was a very warm day in Frankfurt. The evening sun was still out, throwing dancing shadows onto the large parking lot. We walked towards the entrance and I couldn’t help but notice people stare at me. There was a reason for that. I was clad from head to toe in my favorite Frankfurt designer’s wild collection. His name is Albrecht Ollendiek, and he’s a genius. I was wearing a mini skirt made out of feathers. This was supposed to bring me in touch with my Amazonian female self, and it did. The look was about sensuality, nature and power. It was a perfect fit for the circus atmosphere! My skirt was accompanied by a bag made out of feathers and my favorite cork high heels. I was very excited to walk around in my risqué Ollendiek concoction. 

A lovely young lady gave us our VIP passes, and we walked inside the tent’s foyer. I was greeted by Jörg Ortmann of the Bild newspaper, always friendly with a warm smile on his face. Of course in the interview, I had to mention my proud Canadian heritage. Jörg asked what my favorite Cirque du Soleil show has been so far, and I said the O Show in Vegas, which played around the water element and theme. There were a few celebs in the tent as well. Just as I was finishing up my interview, Verona Pooth walked beside us and seemed to be in a hurry to get inside. A few more photos were made in front of the press wall and it was time to go inside the large tent. On our way in, we were given a cold glass of champagne with duck, oysters and other exotic delicacies. Suddenly a sexy female voice was heard on all the speakers, urging us to take our seats because the show was about to begin. There was a loud excited buzz of people talking and laughing in the tent. 

Suddenly the lights went out, and a drum started beating, matching the rhythm of my heart. The sound was so thrilling and hypnotizing at the same time! The lights burst into the tent and the artist came out. What can I say… the next 2 hours were one of the most exciting for me this year. Amaluna was about a fantasy world. A world where all problems were left behind, replaced with magic, energy and enchantment! Each of the artists and shows were so different from one another that I cannot even say which one was better. Every single element of the show was so unique and special, that it contributed to the magical awe feeling of the evening. As you can imagine when thinking of Cirque du Soleil, it was all of the magic you can expect along with many more mysterious surprises! I don’t want to describe any details and ruin the fantastic experience for you, but what I can definitely say is that Amaluna is a must see! It will be in Frankfurt until June12th, and I would suggest ordering tickets as soon as possible. I was blown away by the sheer beauty, love and energy of the show

Loosely inspired by William Shakespeare’s The Tempest, Amaluna takes circus to the next dimension. Even the feathers on my skirt were shivering with excitement. The story revolves around Goddesses, men, love, passion and desire. The talented Diane Paulus, created and directed the piece to perfection.

After the show, so many people were hanging around backstage and the VIP area, because nobody wanted to leave. Everyone was excited to meet the artists and pay them their respect. More champagne and gin tonics were flowing, accompanied by colorful macaroons and the creamiest coffee I have ever tasted. It was exciting to feel the circus atmosphere around us. Cameras were flashing and the music vibrated throughout the entire tent. The press was running around, capturing the excitement of the premiere.

Eventually I felt my feet complaining about the 13 cm heels and decided to slowly make my way back home to my little sanctuary in the city center. The tall and proud skyscrapers greeted me warmly. Another glamorous event in my favorite little city with a big attitude. Thank you Frankfurt for being so good to me. Thank you Canada for bringing your magic to me, even though I’m so far away from you. Thank you Cirque du Soleil for bringing the fantasy into my life on that warm and magical evening.











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Karl Lagerfeld Opening Event in Frankfurt

Karl Lagerfeld Opening Event in Frankfurt 1080 530 Galia Brener

Wednesday night was the long awaited opening event of the Karl Lagerfeld store in Frankfurt. I spoke to a few friends this week and everyone was very excited to come out and play. Not only was the new collection on display, but also original sketches drawn by Mr. Lagerfeld himself, decorated the walls of the store. It was a mixture of his famous fashion sketches along with drawings of himself, portraits and other models. It was very interesting to be so up close and person with his private works of art!

As we made our way into the store, we were greeted by Daniel Tobias Etzel of the WAOH agency, who did another fabulous job at bringing all of Frankfurt’s Who’s Who together and organizing such a glamorous event! I was excited to see some friends and acquaintances, which I haven’t seen in a while, and catch up about life, hanging out in the midst of the exciting flair. There were camera flashes going off in every corner of the store. The crowd was excited, enjoying the high of the bubbly champagne, beautiful handbags and crazy outfits!

I was pondering what to wear already weeks in advance. At the moment I’m having my blue period, like my wonderful idol Picasso. Blue is not my mood, but rather the shades of my current outfits. From blue bags to blue nail polish and blue dresses. Therefore naturally, I had to wear blue for the opening!

Knowing that Lagerfeld’s beloved color is black, going a completely different shade was not such a bad idea. Since I’m a cartoon nerd, I had to wear my new Japanese manga skirt. The extravagant blue silk design has various gold ancient God images all around the skirt. I fell in love with this unique piece as soon as I saw it in the store. What’s good enough for a leading manga character is good enough for me! To get the desired full puffy effect, I wore my largest petticoat underneath the skirt. I topped it off with a ribbed tank top of the same blue shade and a blue velvet bolero, to give the outfit a bit of a baroque touch. I needed a bit more “Bam”, so I work my little black rose hat and my vintage 50s gold purse. My feet were clad in my beloved platforms. Karl Lagerfeld has many cartoon characters on his accessories, so even thought the outfit was blue and not black, it still fit very well into the concept of the evening.

As we walked into the back of the room, we were handed a cold glass of champagne and macaroons, with Karl’s profile printed on top. What a chic and glamorous idea! The beautiful redhead Janet Maier and Ria were spinning their awesome house beats, adding some bass and funky sound to the fashion party. The attention was on them, as they spread the love. I must admit that the guests really made a great effort with their cool outfits, funky accessories and big statements! Many celebs were there, including my girl Sabrina Setlur, looking stylish and fabulous in her black sleek Lagerfeld dress.

I was walking around the store and taking photos, admiring the people around me, having fun and listening to the happy chatter. Many people were impressed by the event, saying that the Lagerfeld store is definitely an enrichment for Frankfurt and the Goethestrasse. I have to agree with them! I was also very impressed by the prices, making it affordable for everyone to find something that they love in the store.

Even thought Mercury Retrograde has started this week, I couldn’t help but notice the electric energy and smiles thrown around the bright store. I am happy to share with you my dears that yet again, another glamorous event was gloriously celebrated in my beloved Frankfurt. As the last glass of champagne was drunk, it was time to move on and indulge in a nice calorie-rich dinner. The girls were all hungry and calling my name. As I left the store, I turned around and glanced behind me, knowing that I will come back very soon indeed. Dear Karl, you are definitely more than welcomed to our little city with a big attitude!































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