
My Luxury Birthday Weekend at the Sofitel Frankfurt Opera

My Luxury Birthday Weekend at the Sofitel Frankfurt Opera 1365 2048 Galia Brener

The week started off with my usual yearly birthday blues. I always get them a week before and after. I find that there is something about getting older that is bitter sweet. The upside of having a birthday means that we get a yearly life extension and fresh start to tackle all of our dreams, wishes and goals. Yet the downside to it is that we are – one year older! I have learned to see it all philosophically, knowing that fate has a plan for us anyways, so why not enjoy the ride while we get to the destination? That’s when my phone rang and the lovely Mrs. Wagner invited me to celebrate my birthday in style and luxury at the Sofitel Frankfurt Opera. At this exciting prospect, my blues were starting to fade into whites, which I knew would eventually turn into pinks and reds.

I think it’s a very cool concept to be able to have a nice weekend holiday within your own city. What a novel idea! Who says one has to drive many kilometers away to feel rest and relaxation re-enter your body, while the evil work-demon leaves you in peace? I made an experiment and stayed inside the Sofitel for my entire birthday weekend and came out feeling happy, rested and recharged.

The adventure started with my arrival at the hotel. I was very impressed to see that the entire staff was briefed about my arrival and I didn’t have to explain anything. I was checked in quickly and shown to my suite. The first activity for my birthday weekend was the glamorous photo shooting. The first stop was on the fabulous terrace of the presidential suite, where one can see the entire magnificent Frankfurt skyline. I was quite familiar with this stunning view, because the Frankfurter Neue Presse photographed me there on New Year’s in 2016. Before the action with the photographer and stylist began, I took a few moments for myself to enjoy and breathe in the mesmerizing scene in front of me. I always feel a moment of joy when I see our skyline. For me, this is the equivalent of being at home.

The wind was blowing and the air was warm and sweet, whispering to me, encouraging me to enjoy and live in the moment. I felt like I could have stayed on that terrace for ages! Later on we took some elegant photos inside the presidential suite and on the bed as well. I have to say that Sofitel definitely has one of the most comfortable beds I have slept in. It’s really like resting on a cloud. After a day full of photo shooting – 5 locations, wearing 3 different outfits – it was finally time to rest and get ready for my birthday dinner.

Being the notorious foodie that I am, I was really looking forward to try out the Schönemann restaurant. We were seated at a large table and greeted with a cold glass of champagne. The chef himself came out and announced our menu for the evening. I really felt like a princess there, because Sofitel did everything possible to make me feel very welcomed and pampered! We started off with a fresh Caesar salad and succulent king prawns. Next was a cold refreshing gazpacho soup, made in the traditional Andalusian way. I acquired my love for gazpacho on Ibiza and was happy to have it here again. For the main course, we were served the signature dish “Coq au Apfelwein” prepared with organic chickens that are raised 30km away from Frankfurt and the city’s beloved apple wine. Last but not least, came two sweet delicacies – a heavenly crème brûlée and a rich chocolate mousse tarte. The dinner was accompanied by a savory selection of the best wines, and of course my favorite was the Rosé de Diel. We ate to our heart’s desire and enjoyed every exquisitely delicious moment.

The lovely evening was running quickly and it was 11pm already – only one hour left until the big day. It was great spending the entire weekend at the hotel because everything was under the same roof. It was time to float over to the seductive Lili’s bar, where I like the dim lights and very mysterious atmosphere. While waiting for the others to arrive and being the tequila fan that I am, I tried a few sorts at the bar and was very impressed. I always judge a good bar by the type of tequilas they have, and this one offers a rich international selection. Everyone arrived and as the time was approaching midnight, the bar manager brought out a special bottle of Veuve Clicquot champagne, which they have ordered just for me. All of a sudden, becoming a year older didn’t seem so bad after all. We drank, we laughed, we danced and had a very exciting evening! I couldn’t help but smiling to myself all the way back up to my suite. Yes, turning 28 again was quite fabulous indeed.

The next day was quite relaxing because my only plan was eating a huge breakfast, going to the spa and getting a special birthday massage. Life could be much worse! The breakfast buffet at the Sofitel offers everything that the heart desires, whether a meat-eater, vegetarian or vegan, everything can be found – including delicious sparkling wine, to make the celebrations even brighter! I ate everything that my eyes and stomach desired, because I have an important rule in life: no diet on the birthday!

Later on, I made my way to the spa area. I have been to a “So Spa” in Paris and was curious to see how Frankfurt will compare. I was impressed by the decor and combination of black and white colors – very chic indeed! I received a full body massage for an hour, which relaxed me to a dreamlike state. After the massage I was really looking forward to try the Skinjay essential oil capsules in my suite shower. I have read about this new addition to the Sofitel family and was very intrigued to see if it really is as fabulous and they promise. And indeed it was. It looks like a Nespresso-like capsule, which you place into the shower hose with your favorite natural oil aroma, and it mixes directly into the water! I read that it is based on a proprietary technology called micro-nebulization, which is activated at the heart of the mixer. It’s such a cool wellness experience – definitely a must to try out.

My amazing weekend was coming to an end and it was time to check out of paradise. I was greeted warmly by name at the reception and they made sure that all my needs were met. I have stayed at many 5-star hotels before, but this was definitely my favorite birthday experience. The French really know what luxury and pampering is all about! As I walked outside and looked up at the beautiful old opera building, my birthday blues were completely gone. I looked up at the skyscrapers and knew that becoming a year old meant becoming a year stronger and wiser. I really enjoyed this birthday weekend in my own favorite city – a truly unforgettable experience.

Thank you to the amazing Sofitel Frankfurt Opera team for giving me a fairytale birthday weekend!

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Wie man an heißen Sommertagen cool bleibt

Wie man an heißen Sommertagen cool bleibt 1365 2048 Galia Brener

1. Lass die Sonne draußen!

Auch wenn du dich darüber freust, die Sonne endlich wiederzusehen, solltest du verhindern, dass sie direkt in dein Zimmer scheint und den Raum aufheizt. Halte deine Jalousien oder Vorhänge über den Tag geschlossen um das Aufheizen zu verhindern.

Zwischen 10 und 17 Uhr solltest du Sonnenstrahlen vermeiden, verwende zusätzlich Sonnencreme, um dich vor den Strahlen zu schützen. Diese können nämlich für dich und deine Haut sehr gefährlich werden. Ganz nebenbei: Gebräunte Haut ist nicht wichtiger als deine Gesundheit!


2. Essen

Vermeide es, besonders große Portionen zu essen, da dein Körper sich während dem Verdauungsvorgang aufwärmt.

Ich lebe nach der Regel „Das letzte Essen kommt immer vor 18 Uhr“. Dadurch ermögliche ich es meinem Körper, alles Gegessene vor dem Schlafen gehen zu verdauen. Das bewirkt neben einem angenehmeren Schlaf auch die bessere Kontrolle des Körpergewichtes.

Für alle, die es scharf mögen: Scharfes Essen hat an heißen Tagen einen entscheidenden Vorteil. Zunächst gleicht sich die gestiegene Körpertemperatur der Umgebungstemperatur an und der Blutdruck steigt, was zu verstärktem Schwitzen führt. Aufgrund des Schweißes kühlt der Körper dann schneller ab und ihr kommt auch bei heißen Temperaturen gut durch den Tag.


3. Bleib cool

Wasche deine Handgelenke und Füße vor dem Schlafen mit kaltem Wasser. Alternativ kann auch ein Eisbad für die Füße sehr entspannend sein. Die Füße und ganz besonders die Sohlen sind sehr empfindlich, weshalb der Temperaturwechsel sich schnell bemerkbar machen wird.

Benutze Kühlpacks oder Eiswickeln am Nacken, den Gelenken, den Ellenbogen oder unter dem Knie, um deinen Körper abzukühlen.


4. Sport

Wenn du regelmäßig Sport machst, solltest du deine Trainingszeit auf den frühen Morgen oder den späten Abend verlegen, vermeide Sport am Mittag. Sollte dein Trainingsraum oder Fitnessstudio eine Klimaanlage haben ist eine Trainingseinheit mittags auch möglich.

Sport mit direkter Sonneneinstrahlung ist keine gute Idee, im schlimmsten Fall bekommst du dadurch einen Hitzeschock, der für dich und deine Gesundheit sehr gefährlich werden kann.


5. Achte auf die richtige Kleidung

An warmen Tagen solltest du lockere Kleidung aus Baumwolle oder Leinen tragen, idealerweise in hellen Farben. Die helle Farbe reflektiert das Licht effektiver als dunkle, während die lockere Kleidung aus natürlichem Material bessere Luftzirkulation ermöglicht und so den Körper besser kühlt.


6. Ventilatoren

Stelle etwas Eis direkt vor den Ventilator! Das Eis kühlt die Umgebungsluft und der Ventilator verbreitet die kalte Luft im gesamten Raum. Für unterwegs kannst du dir einen kleinen Ventilator besorgen, den du mit deinem Smartphone steuern kannst.

Schirm-Ventilatoren sind nicht nur praktisch an warmen Tagen, einige Modelle laden sich durch Solar-Panel sogar selbst wieder auf. Sogenannte „Bedfans“ helfen dir dabei den Raum während der Nacht zu kühlen.


7. Abkühlen und Einfrieren

Kühle deinen Bett- und Kissenbezug vor dem ein paar Stunden vor dem Schlafen gehen. Außerdem kannst du Cremes und Lotionen im Kühlschrank lagern, um dich beim Eincremen zu pflegen und Abzukühlen.

Atme mit deinem Mund in einen mit Eis gefüllten Becher. Kalte Luft einatmen wirkt Wunder!

Fülle eine Wärmflasche mit kaltem Wasser und friere sie ein. Wenn du dann schlafen gehst, kannst du die Flasche mit ins Bett nehmen und an die Gelenke oder Knie legen, um deinen Körper zu kühlen.


8. Trinken – Der wichtigste Punkt!

Wenn du viel schwitzt, verlierst dein Körper viel Wasser, was zu einem Erschöpfung oder einem Hitzeschlag führen kann – also trink viel!

Ich empfehle mindestens 8 Gläser Wasser, Tee und Co. zu trinken: Das hilft, die Körpertemperatur zu regulieren. Vermeide Alkohol, an heißen Tagen ist dieser nicht besonders hilfreich. Habe immer etwas Wasser bereit, falls du Durst bekommst!


Gali’s Drink Tipp:

Ich teste seit ungefähr drei Wochen den Pure Tea von Pfanner und bin sehr überzeugt. Ihr wisst, ich bin sehr pingelig was meine Getränke angeht, von daher war ich sehr überrascht und begeistert als ich sah, dass der Tee 0 Kalorien, 0 Gramm Zucker und keine Form von Süßstoff beinhaltet.

Immer nur Wasser trinken ist mir einfach zu langweilig, deshalb ist der Pure Tea die ideale Alternative für mich.

Der Pure Tea ist die Erfrischungslösung für heiße Tage, auf die ich und sicherlich auch viele von euch gewartet haben. Es gibt ihn in einer schicken, kurvigen Flasche, was das Halten und Tragen vereinfacht. Er schmeckt sehr angenehm und ist gut zu trinken.

Probiert es selbst!

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(English version below photos)




Staying “Oh-So-Cool” on Hot Summer Days



• Even though the sun is beautiful, it must be shut out of the room in order to stay cool. Keep your shutters, blinds and curtains closed during the day. This will prevent your room from overheating.

• It’s very important to avoid direct sun exposure from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m and always leave the house with 50 SFP sunblock. The sunrays are very harmful and your skin must always be protected. Being tanned is out.



• Eat small meals regularly, because your body warms up while it works harder to digest large meals.

• I always follow my “Last Meal Before 6 p.m.” rule. This allows my body to fully digest everything that I have eaten throughout the day, leaving my stomach relaxed and happy when I sleep. This also helps to keep my weight in balance.

• For those who like it hot: eating spicy foods makes you sweat by increasing your body’s temperature, matching it with the one outside. This also increases the blood circulation and due to the sweating, you will cool down within an hour or two.



• Wash your wrists and feet with cold water before going to bed. An ice bath for your feet is also very effective. The soles of your feet are highly sensitive, therefore the temperature change will cool you off immediately!

• Apply cold compresses and ice packs and to pulse points at the neck, wrists, elbows, ankles and behind the knees.



• Do your sports only early in the morning or later in the evening, but never in between – unless it’s in an air-conditioned gym.

• Don’t ever work out directly in the sun, it can lead to heat stroke – which is lethal and can cause death or damage to the brain and other internal organs.



• Wear only cotton, loose clothing and light colors on hot days. There is a reason why linen clothing is so beloved in warm countries – it’s not just about staying trendy.

• Light colors reflect the heat away from the body, while natural materials and loose clothing help to increase air circulation around your skin and release heat and sweat that’s trapped under the clothing.


6. FAN

• For the ultra cooling effect, put ice directly in front of your fan. The ice will cool the surrounding air and the fan will blow it directly towards you.

• Get a small fan that is operated through your mobile phone. I got one for my iPhone, which connects to the charger port.

• Umbrella fans are great for hot days, and also come with a solar panel to charge itself on the go.

• Get the Bedfan, which really helps to stay cool while sleeping.


7. Freeze

• Freeze your sheets and pillowcases for a couple of hours before bedtime.

• Store your body lotion, moisturizer and Aloe Vera in the fridge, making it very refreshing as you apply it on.

• Hold a cup full of ice over your mouth and breathe into it.

• Fill a hot water bottle with ice water and freeze it. This works very well, especially at night, because you can sleep with this bottle in bed. Place it around your thighs, wrists, ankles and the back of your knees.



• Sweating can cause dehydration, which can lead to heat stroke and exhaustion – therefore drink, drink, drink!

• I recommend at least 8 glasses of fluids per day, which also helps to regulate your body temperature. Try to stay away from alcohol on hot days.

• Don’t forget to keep a full glass beside your bed if you get thirsty at night.


Gali’s Drink Tip:

• I have been testing the Pure Tea from Pfanner for 3 weeks now and am very convinced. You know that I am a snob when it comes to what I drink, therefore what really impressed me is that the tea has 0 calories, 0 sugar and absolutely no sweetener.

• I am super bored with always drinking water when I do my yoga, therefore the Pure Tea is finally a very welcomed alternative for me.

• The Pure Tea is a refreshing solution on hot days and comes in a chic curve-shaped bottle, which makes it easy to hold and carry around with you on the go. It tastes very light and goes down easy.


Try it out for yourself:


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Independence Day celebration with the Consul General of the United States of America, Mr. James W. Herman

Independence Day celebration with the Consul General of the United States of America, Mr. James W. Herman 1054 1280 Galia Brener

The big day had arrived and the Breners set out on a delicious barbeque adventure! I have been waiting for the special Independence Day celebration for a while now and was happy to throw on my island clothing topped off with my favorite pink cowboy boots. Upon our arrival, the Consul General of the United States of America, Mr. James W. Herman and his beautiful wife Leilani Herman, greeted us warmly into their residence. Mr. Herman gave a wonderful speech, making all his guests feel at home.

My first impression was a true feast for the eyes! There were many well-dressed people, as the theme of the party was island casual. Women were mingling in pretty dresses and the men proudly wore their Hawaiian shirts and American-colored leis. However the best-dressed woman of the evening was definitely Mrs. Leilani Herman. She had an elegant long white dress on, decorated tastefully with traditional Hawaiian celebratory lei and magnificent jewelry.

As I walked inside the garden, I saw my friend Stephan Reeg, who is the private chef of the consul general. He had a cool pink chef jacket on and the buttons had little black crowns printed on them. Now this is what I call amazing attention to detail! I’m a big lover of good food, and the foodie within me was excited beyond belief. As far at the eyes can see, there was food in every part of the garden. From delicious juicy burgers to, seafood salad, crispy wings, desserts and meats in every shape, size and variation! The bar was stocked with delectable drinks from all over the world. I was very happy to discover my favorite rosé wine there, the Whispering Angel.

It was the perfect occasion to meet new people and speak English the entire evening. I have been living in Europe since 2003 and really miss using my native language on a daily basis. So the Canadian inside me was jumping up and down like a mischievous little girl, eh.

As the guests were enjoying their beef burgers and International wine, all of a sudden, I heard an alluring live voice behind me, singing one of my favorite songs. I turned around and saw a group of handsome young men singing at the top of the garden stairs. What a splendid surprise! Their voices mesmerized us and the gentle harmonious sound mixed beautifully with the warm summer breeze.

The garden was immaculate and every tree and bush was trimmed to perfection. There was a big white tent set up in the middle and around were many lovely sitting areas, perfect for mingling and eating. As I walked inside the tent, I saw Mr. Herman and his wife, cutting the delicious Independence Day cake and handing out colorful pieces for their guests to enjoy. Another sweet attention to detail were the cream-filled donuts, with the American flag painted in savory glaze on top. Such a creative and tasty idea!

Another band started to play, and the singer’s voice was deep and soulful. As I stepped outside, I saw my parents dancing together, with a loving and happy look upon their faces. At that very second I thought how lucky I am and what a beautiful life we have. A wave of love and warmth passed through my body, and with a huge smile, I joined my parents on the dance floor. Mr. Herman was also dancing with his lovely wife, and one could see and feel their joy. The guests were chatting, eating, singing and all were having an incredible time! I was pleased to see some good acquaintances, which I haven’t seen in a while. It was so nice to catch up and talk about life.

As the hours were melting away into the romantic night, this Canadian had to leave in time to write the article for you my dear readers. I said goodbye to my friends and thanked Mr. James and Leilani Herman for the truly magical and unforgettable celebration. This was an Independence Day that I will never forget. It felt so good to be close to my people and celebrate our cultural traditions. As I got to the top of the garden steps, I turned around, and had a last look at the elegant guests enjoying themselves. I realized yet again that this was a very special holiday. For me, it is not just about independence, but rather about uniting the people together, brining hope and happiness to all, in Germany, Europe, Canada, The United States of America and actually… the entire world.


Galia Brener – Thailand travel TV show – 2016

Galia Brener – Thailand travel TV show – 2016 1872 1054 Galia Brener

Dear friends, here is our Thailand show from #rheinmaintv  I’m curious about your questions and comments. Thanks and hugs, Gali 

Thank you dear Sandra Lorenz, Laura Staeter, Natalie Rosini, Michaela Schiffer and Stacy Boll.



Eat what you want and be happy!

Eat what you want and be happy! 1200 400 Galia Brener

In order to start this column in the most authentic way possible, I have ordered a family-sized pizza, with a soft drink and ice cream for dessert. Often I find myself thinking, how long do we actually have to live a lovely, fun, happy and satisfying life? 85 years if we are lucky. We start thinking about our body image at the age of 15 until approximately 70. That leaves us with 55 years of worrying about being skinny, having the perfect shape, no cellulite, toned muscles, fitting into smaller and smaller sizes, and having those bloody skinny jeans laying around that we so desperately want to fit into, but mysteriously never “comfortably” can! We force ourselves to eat a salad everyday – over and over again. Daily salad consumption, for 55 years makes it…. 20,075 damn salads! Congratulations boys and girls, we are officially worse than rabbits. I think it’s time to start eating what we want and feeling happy about it!


Hungry = Angry. When hungry, your serotonin levels are low, and hence you feel angry, and sometimes even depressed. My mom knows not to talk to me until I have eaten a proper meal; otherwise I become a walking monster. I get irritated and short-tempered. Even worse than that, my stomach and head start to hurt. Believe it or not, the “evil carbohydrates” help to rebuild serotonin quicker in your brain, which is responsible for making you feel happy. So do not run away from carbs, because if eaten in the right dosage, they are your friends!


We live in a time where being skinny has become the definition of beauty. Maybe I really am from another planet and do not understand the Earthly ways, but aren’t our curves and softness what makes us women feminine and beautiful? Yes? Then why is everyone going crazy to become a size 0? Somehow between the 1950’s and today, something got terribly lost in translation. This makes me angry! Who the hell started this mass confusion and is responsible for this ridiculous chaos? Every (good) single man that I have spoken to lately says that he would love to meet a woman with nice curves. Can it be that us women are making our own life so complicated? Then again, I remember my 2nd ex blaming me for becoming fat after a visit to Japan (Without him…) I gained 4 kg, and he made it sound like I became a blimp. Thank God I got rid of that freak. I was in a new country and he thought that I wouldn’t try all of the delicious exotic foods? I would give him up again and again for a fresh piece of Kobe beef!


My friend Anatoly was dating a beautiful voluptuous Brazilian woman. They shared a huge passion for food. They cooked together and tried out new restaurants. Anatoly adored her curves. She was the perfect vision of femininity for him. When they got married, his wife started spending more time with the snobby neighborhood women. They assured her that all the husbands have younger, skinnier and beautiful mistresses at work. They were crazy paranoid witches that influenced her very negatively. She lost a lot of weight, and did not eat much with Anatoly anymore. Their shared passion has disappeared. She was constantly hungry, moody and angry. The love was suffering. She lost her beautiful feminine curves and her bones hurt him while trying to make love. She became a ghost of what she once was and eventually this led to divorce. He loved her desperately, and tried to show her the light, but she was lost in her own superficial world.


Guilt = Fat. I will share with you something important that I have learned from my past. If I would eat something really fatty, or in large amounts, I would constantly worry about it. I knew that the calories and fat were quite high and felt that it will cause my body damage. I gained much weight in only just a week! I felt guilt all the time. It was a psychological jail, with the torture included! A few weeks later I lost those kilos and decided to make an experiment. I ate exactly the same food and amounts, but felt no guilt or remorse afterwards. I felt good about what I ate because I knew that for this moment of my life, I needed this food. The carbs made me happy! I felt relaxed because I could eat what I wanted without feeling bad. Well guess what? Same food, same amount and my weight did not change. Sounds unreal, but it’s true. It’s all a psychological mind game. Guilt attracts negativity into your life and body. Guilt will make you gain weight rapidly! Stop the guilt!


Soul food = Happy person. The evil burger is calling your name. You tell it to shut up, but it doesn’t work because you fantasize about its juices in your mouth. Go ahead and eat the damn burger. Of course I am not suggesting you to exaggerate every day, and get a heart attack, but a bit more pleasure with your meals will make you happier. My theory is to enjoy and eat what you want, but not to overdo it. Have your healthy stuff in between, but leave space for the treats and goodies that your heart and soul desire. Love yourself and feed yourself. Do not starve, because your body will not forgive you. And remember… life is too bloody short to live on salads!





FASH’N WIESN 2015 – Frankfurter Oktoberfest

FASH’N WIESN 2015 – Frankfurter Oktoberfest 1200 400 Galia Brener

Frankfurt is not just about bankers, the skyline, Handkäs, Grüne Soße or Ebbelwoi. This city is so multicultural and versatile that even the Munich celebrities are coming to our Oktoberfest! Yes, you read that correctly. Frankfurt has its own Oktoberfest, and every evening for 3 weeks, our tent gets hot and stays sizzling until the very end! However last night was the wildest of all nights, when the VIPs, celebs and local Frankfurt heroes came out to play at the yearly event – the Fash’n Wiesn!


Frank Kuhlmann had a busy few weeks with his glamorous event organizations. Last night was his Pièce de Résistance, as he brought us all together for a night to remember! Doing what he does best, Mr. Kuhlmann made sure that the energy was buzzing, and his guests were happy and excited with the evening escapades! We had an amazing time at his table surrounded by gorgeous models, actors, professional athletes, singers, writers and entrepreneurs. It was a magical evening because it appeared that everyone had a permanent smile on their faces. The vibe of the party was extremely contagious and one could tell that the people really enjoyed themselves. The band was rocking the stage and everyone was dancing and having a fabulous time! What I also love about our Oktoberfest in the Hausmann tent is that one can order the traditional Bavarian food, but also have the delicious Frankfurt dishes on the side as well. This way you get the best of both worlds. Needless to stay, we tried almost everything on the menu last night!


Walking around the authentic Oktoberfest tent, I bumped into a few friends and acquaintances that I have not seen in a long while. I really enjoyed catching up with them and having a nice drink to celebrate our friendship. I find that it’s really important to take care of and invest in friendships – this way they stay a lifetime with you!


I don’t know what it was about last night, but it seemed like the entire tent was in Flirting-Mode! Everywhere I looked I saw people kissing and dancing very close to each other. Maybe it was the passionate scent in the air, or the love-laced Mass beer, but last night was definitely an evening where the Love Gods made their presence known – and their target was the Oktoberfest in Frankfurt! I don’t want to know how many children were conceived after midnight in the city last night!


I was really lucky because I had the chance to wear a special dirndl. It is a one of a kind design by my friend Shanty Sutadji – owner of the label Shanty Dirndl Couture. I also wore her design last year and what I really love the most about her dirndls is that there is only one of each kind! So ladies, you will never ever have the situation when you are at the Oktoberfest and someone is wearing the same dirndl as you! Shanty’s dirndls are all handmade with love and passion for design and details. My pink one last night had intricate elements of silk, hand-sewn roses, Swarovski stones and enough lace to make even Marie Antoinette jealous! Thank you dear Shanty for making such a beautiful dirndl for me!


After a few rosé champagne glasses with the girls and some innocent flirting in between, I decided that all good things must come to an end. The others made their way to the Matrix Pop Up Club, but I heard my bed and leftover sushi in the fridge calling my name. Thank you to all my friends and acquaintance for making my evening so happy, lovely and warm! I wish you a nice weekend dear friends and readers :-)




Your Gali


















Apéros Bordeaux – Party in Frankfurt on Sept 10th with a French twist!

Apéros Bordeaux – Party in Frankfurt on Sept 10th with a French twist! 1200 400 Galia Brener

The long-awaited event “Apéros Bordeaux” has finally made its way to our cosmopolitan little city with a big attitude. This evening will be presented to us with a delicious variety of Bordeaux wines, DJs spinning their hypnotic chill-out sounds, tasty culinary delights, dancing, networking and maybe even meeting a special person for a flirt or more!


Ladies put on your nice dresses, killer heels and make your way to The Cooking Ape at the Walther-von-Cronberg-Platz 2 on September 10th, starting at 7pm. For an entrance fee of 5 Euro, you shall receive a savory glass of Bordeaux wine, which is the perfect way to jump-start your evening and leave all the office worries behind you. Gentlemen, leave the ties in your car and come dressed with your best smile on, because this will be a night to remember!


The 5 Stations concept is super cool – think of it as your own little adventure to France, but all in the comfort of our favorite city in Germany! You have the chance to taste a variety of affordable Bordeaux wines in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Upon your arrival, you will receive a Wine Passport at the first station Bienvenue, which is your magical entrance to the world of Bordeaux experiences. After a glass or two, make your way to the Photography station – where you and your friends can have your photos taken with funny accessories in front of stunning Bordeaux scenery. These photos will be available to you later at, where you can download and share them online. The third station is called Smell, where you can open up your senses to the fine Bordeaux aromas. Next comes the Taste station, where you can learn about winemaking, experience the grape type and see if your date has good taste. If everything smells and tastes the same to him/her, then you know what to expect with the kissing. Next! New date and next station! Last but not least is the Foodpairing station, where you can discover the unique variety of wine aromas combined with delicious and exotic dishes to tickle your taste buds.


VIP entrance to the event: if you register in advance online at, then you get priority entrance without waiting in line, plus have the chance to win 1 out of 12 surprise packages, including a variety of wines and the chic Apéros Bordeaux glasses.


100 Bordeaux wines to discover: 100 wines are selected every year in the price range of 5 – 29 Euro, for you to enjoy at the Apéros Bordeaux event. You will be enticed with a selection of fresh white, rosé and fruity red Bordeaux wines for you to taste and savor. More information about the different selections is available online at:


Bordeaux in the City: September is Bordeaux month in Frankfurt! In cooperation with 25 selected wine merchants and restaurateurs, you have the chance to attend various tastings and wine seminar in the city. Details available online at:


I am very happy to announce that Frankfurt is finally getting on top of the Bordeaux wine and culture experience, with the help of this fabulous Apéros Bordeaux evening. I am always on the lookout for new and exciting events in the city, and am happy to share this unique one with you! I am really looking forward to taste the different wines, dance to the melodic lounge beats, socialize and meet new people. You never know who will drop by – maybe even Prince Charming and Ms. Right! So join us and find out.


Looking forward to see you all there,


Your Gali.


Apéros Bordeaux Roséwein

Apéro Bordeaux Weinkühler

Apéro Bordeaux Food

Apéro Bordeaux Weinflasche

Apéros Bordeaux Roséwein

Apéro Bordeaux

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