
Meine Quality Time mit Mama

Meine Quality Time mit Mama 2048 1148 Galia Brener

Meine Mama hatte mich in Frankfurt besucht und wir haben es uns an einem schönen Tag gut gehen lassen. Im Video zeige ich euch einen kleinen Ausschnitt von unserem Spaziergang durch den Schlosshotel Kronberg. Ich gehe sehr gerne dort hin, weil ich die Ruhe und die schöne Natur dort intensiv genießen kann. Beim Besuch meiner Mama wollte ich ihr auch meine neuste Entdeckung, den Pfanner Pure Tea, vorstellen. Schaut selbst, ob Mami der neue 0% Tee von Pfanner genauso gut schmeckt wie mir.

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Wie man an heißen Sommertagen cool bleibt

Wie man an heißen Sommertagen cool bleibt 1365 2048 Galia Brener

1. Lass die Sonne draußen!

Auch wenn du dich darüber freust, die Sonne endlich wiederzusehen, solltest du verhindern, dass sie direkt in dein Zimmer scheint und den Raum aufheizt. Halte deine Jalousien oder Vorhänge über den Tag geschlossen um das Aufheizen zu verhindern.

Zwischen 10 und 17 Uhr solltest du Sonnenstrahlen vermeiden, verwende zusätzlich Sonnencreme, um dich vor den Strahlen zu schützen. Diese können nämlich für dich und deine Haut sehr gefährlich werden. Ganz nebenbei: Gebräunte Haut ist nicht wichtiger als deine Gesundheit!


2. Essen

Vermeide es, besonders große Portionen zu essen, da dein Körper sich während dem Verdauungsvorgang aufwärmt.

Ich lebe nach der Regel „Das letzte Essen kommt immer vor 18 Uhr“. Dadurch ermögliche ich es meinem Körper, alles Gegessene vor dem Schlafen gehen zu verdauen. Das bewirkt neben einem angenehmeren Schlaf auch die bessere Kontrolle des Körpergewichtes.

Für alle, die es scharf mögen: Scharfes Essen hat an heißen Tagen einen entscheidenden Vorteil. Zunächst gleicht sich die gestiegene Körpertemperatur der Umgebungstemperatur an und der Blutdruck steigt, was zu verstärktem Schwitzen führt. Aufgrund des Schweißes kühlt der Körper dann schneller ab und ihr kommt auch bei heißen Temperaturen gut durch den Tag.


3. Bleib cool

Wasche deine Handgelenke und Füße vor dem Schlafen mit kaltem Wasser. Alternativ kann auch ein Eisbad für die Füße sehr entspannend sein. Die Füße und ganz besonders die Sohlen sind sehr empfindlich, weshalb der Temperaturwechsel sich schnell bemerkbar machen wird.

Benutze Kühlpacks oder Eiswickeln am Nacken, den Gelenken, den Ellenbogen oder unter dem Knie, um deinen Körper abzukühlen.


4. Sport

Wenn du regelmäßig Sport machst, solltest du deine Trainingszeit auf den frühen Morgen oder den späten Abend verlegen, vermeide Sport am Mittag. Sollte dein Trainingsraum oder Fitnessstudio eine Klimaanlage haben ist eine Trainingseinheit mittags auch möglich.

Sport mit direkter Sonneneinstrahlung ist keine gute Idee, im schlimmsten Fall bekommst du dadurch einen Hitzeschock, der für dich und deine Gesundheit sehr gefährlich werden kann.


5. Achte auf die richtige Kleidung

An warmen Tagen solltest du lockere Kleidung aus Baumwolle oder Leinen tragen, idealerweise in hellen Farben. Die helle Farbe reflektiert das Licht effektiver als dunkle, während die lockere Kleidung aus natürlichem Material bessere Luftzirkulation ermöglicht und so den Körper besser kühlt.


6. Ventilatoren

Stelle etwas Eis direkt vor den Ventilator! Das Eis kühlt die Umgebungsluft und der Ventilator verbreitet die kalte Luft im gesamten Raum. Für unterwegs kannst du dir einen kleinen Ventilator besorgen, den du mit deinem Smartphone steuern kannst.

Schirm-Ventilatoren sind nicht nur praktisch an warmen Tagen, einige Modelle laden sich durch Solar-Panel sogar selbst wieder auf. Sogenannte „Bedfans“ helfen dir dabei den Raum während der Nacht zu kühlen.


7. Abkühlen und Einfrieren

Kühle deinen Bett- und Kissenbezug vor dem ein paar Stunden vor dem Schlafen gehen. Außerdem kannst du Cremes und Lotionen im Kühlschrank lagern, um dich beim Eincremen zu pflegen und Abzukühlen.

Atme mit deinem Mund in einen mit Eis gefüllten Becher. Kalte Luft einatmen wirkt Wunder!

Fülle eine Wärmflasche mit kaltem Wasser und friere sie ein. Wenn du dann schlafen gehst, kannst du die Flasche mit ins Bett nehmen und an die Gelenke oder Knie legen, um deinen Körper zu kühlen.


8. Trinken – Der wichtigste Punkt!

Wenn du viel schwitzt, verlierst dein Körper viel Wasser, was zu einem Erschöpfung oder einem Hitzeschlag führen kann – also trink viel!

Ich empfehle mindestens 8 Gläser Wasser, Tee und Co. zu trinken: Das hilft, die Körpertemperatur zu regulieren. Vermeide Alkohol, an heißen Tagen ist dieser nicht besonders hilfreich. Habe immer etwas Wasser bereit, falls du Durst bekommst!


Gali’s Drink Tipp:

Ich teste seit ungefähr drei Wochen den Pure Tea von Pfanner und bin sehr überzeugt. Ihr wisst, ich bin sehr pingelig was meine Getränke angeht, von daher war ich sehr überrascht und begeistert als ich sah, dass der Tee 0 Kalorien, 0 Gramm Zucker und keine Form von Süßstoff beinhaltet.

Immer nur Wasser trinken ist mir einfach zu langweilig, deshalb ist der Pure Tea die ideale Alternative für mich.

Der Pure Tea ist die Erfrischungslösung für heiße Tage, auf die ich und sicherlich auch viele von euch gewartet haben. Es gibt ihn in einer schicken, kurvigen Flasche, was das Halten und Tragen vereinfacht. Er schmeckt sehr angenehm und ist gut zu trinken.

Probiert es selbst!

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(English version below photos)




Staying “Oh-So-Cool” on Hot Summer Days



• Even though the sun is beautiful, it must be shut out of the room in order to stay cool. Keep your shutters, blinds and curtains closed during the day. This will prevent your room from overheating.

• It’s very important to avoid direct sun exposure from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m and always leave the house with 50 SFP sunblock. The sunrays are very harmful and your skin must always be protected. Being tanned is out.



• Eat small meals regularly, because your body warms up while it works harder to digest large meals.

• I always follow my “Last Meal Before 6 p.m.” rule. This allows my body to fully digest everything that I have eaten throughout the day, leaving my stomach relaxed and happy when I sleep. This also helps to keep my weight in balance.

• For those who like it hot: eating spicy foods makes you sweat by increasing your body’s temperature, matching it with the one outside. This also increases the blood circulation and due to the sweating, you will cool down within an hour or two.



• Wash your wrists and feet with cold water before going to bed. An ice bath for your feet is also very effective. The soles of your feet are highly sensitive, therefore the temperature change will cool you off immediately!

• Apply cold compresses and ice packs and to pulse points at the neck, wrists, elbows, ankles and behind the knees.



• Do your sports only early in the morning or later in the evening, but never in between – unless it’s in an air-conditioned gym.

• Don’t ever work out directly in the sun, it can lead to heat stroke – which is lethal and can cause death or damage to the brain and other internal organs.



• Wear only cotton, loose clothing and light colors on hot days. There is a reason why linen clothing is so beloved in warm countries – it’s not just about staying trendy.

• Light colors reflect the heat away from the body, while natural materials and loose clothing help to increase air circulation around your skin and release heat and sweat that’s trapped under the clothing.


6. FAN

• For the ultra cooling effect, put ice directly in front of your fan. The ice will cool the surrounding air and the fan will blow it directly towards you.

• Get a small fan that is operated through your mobile phone. I got one for my iPhone, which connects to the charger port.

• Umbrella fans are great for hot days, and also come with a solar panel to charge itself on the go.

• Get the Bedfan, which really helps to stay cool while sleeping.


7. Freeze

• Freeze your sheets and pillowcases for a couple of hours before bedtime.

• Store your body lotion, moisturizer and Aloe Vera in the fridge, making it very refreshing as you apply it on.

• Hold a cup full of ice over your mouth and breathe into it.

• Fill a hot water bottle with ice water and freeze it. This works very well, especially at night, because you can sleep with this bottle in bed. Place it around your thighs, wrists, ankles and the back of your knees.



• Sweating can cause dehydration, which can lead to heat stroke and exhaustion – therefore drink, drink, drink!

• I recommend at least 8 glasses of fluids per day, which also helps to regulate your body temperature. Try to stay away from alcohol on hot days.

• Don’t forget to keep a full glass beside your bed if you get thirsty at night.


Gali’s Drink Tip:

• I have been testing the Pure Tea from Pfanner for 3 weeks now and am very convinced. You know that I am a snob when it comes to what I drink, therefore what really impressed me is that the tea has 0 calories, 0 sugar and absolutely no sweetener.

• I am super bored with always drinking water when I do my yoga, therefore the Pure Tea is finally a very welcomed alternative for me.

• The Pure Tea is a refreshing solution on hot days and comes in a chic curve-shaped bottle, which makes it easy to hold and carry around with you on the go. It tastes very light and goes down easy.


Try it out for yourself:


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My Shopping Tour at the Frankfurt Airport

My Shopping Tour at the Frankfurt Airport 1316 2048 Galia Brener

A few weeks ago, I received an email regarding the shopping tour at my favorite Airport, of course the Frankfurt one! You cannot imagine how ecstatic I was. I had a chance to combine two of the things I love most – shopping and travel. For those who know me, know my addiction to shopping and discovering new and wild trends. Since I travel quite often, I know exactly which stores are located in this International and chic airport. Last week, I had a chance to visit 5 really cool brands and present them to you.

I arrived with my team of 3 – my photographer and assistant. We started the tour off by eating a delicious salami sandwich, because I need my coffee, carbs and meat to jumpstart the day. I know, not the typical nutrition of a yoga girl, but who wants to be typical anyways, right? A few minutes later, the cool Frankfurt Airport marketing crew came to greet us and the shopping tour was about to begin! I was very excited. What will I discover? Which new trends are awaiting me? As I set out on my journey, I felt happy and at peace, surrounded by good and warm people.






The first stop on the shopping adventure was one of my favorite Frankfurt Airport stores, Pinko. Just a few weeks ago, I bought a really cool pair of shoes there before my flight to Ibiza. The lovely store manager greeted me with open arms as we had a little trend chat, and soon the photo shooting began. The first thing my eyes landed upon was a long silk maxi dress with a cool graffiti image and tropical prints decorating the entries dress. I will never grow tired of the maxi. The great thing about this dress is that one can wear in on a nice summer day, and also a fancier evening affair with a tight fitted short jacket and high heels. That’s my typical “Gali-Look” – a long silk maxi dress and a tight leather jacket. Delicious. I cannot get enough of this combination!

The next thing that caught my attention was a short black denim skirt, which I happily combined with a tropical silk shirt and patent leather pumps. I must admit that I really enjoyed strutting around the store, ecstatic and energetic in my element! We made very cute Instagram stories and a few cool photos – as seen below. The Frankfurt Airport team was in good spirits, happily waiting to see what I would throw on next! Thankfully at Pinko, the possibilities are always endless. Since I prefer the rather crazier style, I had many wild choices to go with.

Next up was a gorgeous “red meets orange” micro-crêpe dress, which surprise surprise, I put on backwards! I adore breaking and crashing trends. Why wear everything how it’s supposed to be worn? Hell no! Life is precious and not super long, so break some rules and dare to stand out. The elegant dress was supposed to be worn with the long part in the back and the short in the front. However, I really liked the bow tie effect in the front, and wore it backwards. I think it turned out to be quite chic. I combined it with the red Pinko Love bag. What do you think?

I really had fun with this dress and pretended to be one of the mannequins at the store display! The store manager and crew were laughing hard and we had a blast. What many people do not know is that Pinko is an Italian brand that was founded in the early 1980s. Today, it is still operated by the founding family, giving it a strong heritage feel. I always love a brand that is still run by the original family owner. This show true dedication and passion. Bravo!

As I was about to go, the store manager handed me a fancy package. I was very flattered when I unpacked it and inside was the Pinko Love bag in black. I will cherish and combine it with endless outfits. Thanks Pinko for a chic and exciting day!


** Get a free present at the PINKO store at the Frankfurt Airport. Say the code: GALIA17PINKO and the gift is yours! Offer expires on June 30th, 2017.







Next stop on the shopping tour was a fabulous makeover at Kiko Milano! I can describe this experience like being a kid in a candy shop. As I stepped into the store, there was a beautiful color wave as far as the eyes could see! Everything from funky eye shadow, to luscious lipsticks, tantalizing rouges, sparkling glosses, foundation, skin care and various serums, fluffy brushes, colorful makeup bags and more! A true sight for any artist’s eyes. You have to be there to believe it. Hey Milano, your Kiko definitely know how to attract amazing attention!

Since I always prefer the same natural pink shades, I decided to let the professional makeup artist do her work, and give me a total makeover. I was very impressed by the final result. My face was glowing and shimmering with happiness. I had a nice rich earthy-tone smoky eyes effect combined with a lovely bronzer, making me look like I was basking under the warm Mediterranean sun for a few weeks. My lips were topped of with a transparent golden gloss, giving me the Italian-Goddess-of-Lips allure. All in all, the perfect dewy summer look!

Of course being the mischievous monkey that I am, I couldn’t help but run around the store, trying on all the different colors and shades for both the summer and fall 2017 seasons! I was very happy to see that my beloved pink was staying strong this year. I love the almost naked pink plump look for my lips. I think that it makes me look young and cute. While the darker reds and browns me look older, strict and too serious. In general, I prefer the lighter “fresh out of bed” makeup look, and Kiko definitely has everything one needs to achieve this look.

As I was saying my goodbyes to the lovely and sweet store manager and her crew, I received a fabulous gift bag full of lovely products for you my dear readers!

** I will be posting a photo of this goodie bag tomorrow on my Facebook fan page. Please take a look at:

Post a comment underneath the photo, for your chance to win this awesome kiko gift set! This includes the same eyes shadow palette that the makeup artist used on me. Good luck my dears and enjoy.







The next party of the thrill was another one of my favorite shops at the Frankfurt airport, which has celebrated its grand opening not too long ago, the one and only, Victoria’s Secret. The Frankfurters have been waiting a long time for this sensual lingerie store to open up, therefore I was very happy to find out that this is one of the shops on my shopping tour. As a small coincidence, this was also one of my stops before I boarded my flight to Ibiza a few weeks ago, therefore you could see how much I truly love shopping at my favorite airport.

The Victoria’s Secret store at the airport it’s quite cool because it has a nice variety of things to get, not only as a gift for someone else but also for last-minute purchases before your fabulous vacation. Or simply the essentials, like my favorite panties that I wear every day, or a special new perfume to tantalize the men. The coolest part is the feeling of walking into the dim, alluring and mysterious shop.

What caught my attention immediately was the really cute pink and white stripped trolley that also happens to be Victoria’s Secret corporate identity colors. Of course I had to get one for my next trip and combine it with a really funky bright blue VS passport cover. Since I’m traveling a lot and have to change suitcase quite often, this one definitely seemed like it will be a good companion for the next years to come. As they say, bloggers live out of their suitcases, therefore it’s like adding a new member to the influencer family.

I also happen to adore Victoria’s Secret Extreme Lip Plumper, which makes your lips appears three times fuller with its mysterious pepper effect. It has a very interesting tingling sensation, which cannot be described – one has to try it out to see the miracle that it creates!

The lovely store manager gave me an in-depth tour of the shop, showing me all of the new creams and fragrances, sexy new lingerie designs and also told me about the great sales and deals that are on offer right now. (See the photos below). I was happy to grab my suitcase, the psychedelic passport cover, a few seductive panties and make my way to the next part of the shopping tour. Thank you dear Victoria, your secret really is a girl’s best friend!


** Mention the secret code: GALIA17VS and get 10% discount on all purchases over 50€! (Cannot be combined with other discounts) Offer expires on June 30th, 2017.







After having a refreshing green smoothie and a healthy lunch, my team and I made our way to the brilliant silver treasures store known as Thomas Sabo. This store holds a special significance for me as well, because Mr. Sabo and I go way back. I will never forget my first bracelet that I received as a present, made of round smooth rose quartz crystals bound together by a fancy sterling silver chain.

Natural stones are very important and each one holds a different power within itself. For example, when the rose quartz is worn, it attracts love to the person who wears it. That’s why my Thomas Sabo bracelet was very dear to me, because by wearing it, I believe that I attracted my first love into my life. The rose quartz also has the ability to boost your self-confident and love yourself more. Each stone corresponds to a different significance in life, therefore you see how important these semi-precious stones are. The Thomas Sabo designers loves to work with natural stones combined with beautiful silver pieces, therefore I was excited to see which pieces they had in their new collection.

Being a spiritual person and big lover of yoga, I was very pleased to see the new karma beads collection. I especially liked the bracelet with the karma beads combined with lava rocks. When I was in Ibiza, I realize that the lava rock is a very special element used in jewelry – and also has strength and energy of its own. I decided that I definitely have to have the lava stone karma beads bracelet. The store manager helped me to try many different variations until I found the perfect one. I was very impressed by how helpful and lovely she was.

I have to admit that being at the Sabo store was a little bit like playing dress up with Barbie when I was a little girl. I got a chance to run around the store and try on my favorite pieces of jewelry. I have never seen their truly wild rings before, for example the eagle and skeleton ones. Both rings are quite large and look really massive and cool on my small fingers, definitely a rock ‘n’ roll feature for me.

The manager gave me a little “Tree of Hope” bracelet as a present. She told me to make a wish while she was tying the bracelet on my wrist. I am not allowed to take it off until it falls off on its own and that is when my wish will come true. I’m very curious what will happen in the next months and will definitely keep you updated. So my dears, if you also have a wish that you want to come true, now you know where to go to make it happen!







Last but not least on the shopping tour, was what many consider as “Handbag Heaven”. This season is definitely Pastel-Paradise at Coccinelle. I was attracted from miles away, as I saw bags in many forms, shapes and delicious pastel colors looking at me, winking and luring me to walk inside. This is definitely a store that one cannot miss while enjoying the airport shopping experience.

The funny thing is that my first Coccinelle bag was a small black squared one, which I bought about 10 years ago at an airport as well! Therefore this brought back many fond memories, allowing me to have the same experience here in my favorite Frankfurt airport.

What I like most about Coccinelle is their statements and designs. All of their bags can be worn during the day but also perfectly chic in the evening and on glamorous events – making them very versatile and quite useful to have in the closet. The quality is superb and is excellent for the price segment.

I had a lot of fun in the store because I had a wild idea to put about 20 bags on myself, while turning around in a Boomerang nirvana! I posted this funny video on my Instagram story, while having the photo shooting live that day. Of course at the end, I couldn’t quite decide which bag I loved the most – a typically difficult decision at Coccinelle, due to the large and breathtaking variety! I spent another hour on deciding which bag gets to come home with me and sleep together with the rest of my treasures.

The store manager was laughing hard as we both had a lot of fun trying on the bags and matching them with every single scarf, accessory, jewelry piece and even key chains! Nobody said that this is a super easy job, but someone has to do it properly à la Brener-Style-Police mission to report to you my dear readers! After choosing a baby pink Bandelier beauty, I bid farewell to the lovely manager and met the Frankfurt Airport team outside.


** Use the code: GALIA17COCCINELLE to get a 10% discount on your purchase at the Frankfurt Airport! (Cannot be combined with other discounts) Offer expires on June 30th, 2017.



After about 9 hours of shopping madness at the Frankfurt Airport, the fun was just beginning for me while the others looked like they ran a 100 km marathon! At about 1.5 / 2 hours per store, including photo shootings and video sessions, the passion adds up and one really feels like after a full week of doing sports. Yes my dears, shopping can sometimes be painful but extremely satisfying… and I love it!

I’m used to the blogger’s shopping chaos tiredness, although I definitely make it appear much easier than it is. I saw on their faces that it was time to call it a night, and I was super happy to walk out of the airport holding many cool shopping bags with elegant, glamorous, delicious and sexy goodies inside.

Thank you to the dear Frankfurt Airport team, my amazing supportive team and all of the store managers and assistants for making my shopping tour as exciting, fun, stylish and unforgettable as it was. I enjoyed myself very much and am definitely looking forward to come back for more!


Sending you many hugs,

Your Gali



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